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他的新陈代谢过程减缓,更有可能在繁殖之前死亡。It is slower to metabolise and likelier to die before it has reproduced.

这是因为它们无法快速代谢可可碱。This is because their bodies cannot metabolise theobromine quickly enough.

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但当感染细菌的老鼠被喂食一类无法参与新陈代谢的葡萄糖时反而存活。But infected mice fed a version of glucose that they could not metabolise lived.

牡蛎很难分解石油,作为滤食性动物的软体动物面临很大的风险。Oysters metabolise oil poorly, and molluscs, being filter feeders, run a high risk of exposure.

有关的酶可以被鉴定出来,并被加工来代谢体内的这些物质。The enzymes responsible could be identified and engineered to metabolise these substances in vivo.

去年,他的研究小组应用新陈代谢特性预测个人服用扑热息痛药的反应。Last year, his research group used these profiles to predict how individuals would metabolise paracetamol.

而在较为正常的环境下,能使硫和氮变形的微生物却有可能达到同样的目的。Micro-organisms able to metabolise sulphur and nitrogen have the potential to achieve the same endpoint under more normal conditions.

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此外,一些人似乎代谢面筋的能力差,尿液中有高水平阿片蛋白质。In addition, some individuals appear to metabolise gluten poorly with high levels of opioid protein fragments appearing in their urine.

结果显示尿中的复合物硫酸对甲酚能够预测人们对对乙酰氨基酚的代谢。The results showed that a compound in the urine , called para-cresol sulphate, predicted how well the men were able to metabolise the drug.

该树脂,具有很强的抗菌性能,是所收集的蜜蜂,然后新陈代谢,并涂到了墙上自己的蜂巢。This resin, which has strong antibiotic properties, is gathered by bees which then metabolise it and smear it over the walls of their hive.

如果体内有足够的关键水溶性B族维生素来使储备的脂肪进行新陈代谢的话,胖人可能会活得久一点。Fat people would only be able to survive for longer if they had enough vital water-soluble B vitamins in their system to help metabolise fat stores.

据认为,我们肠道内数百万细菌的组成可以影响我们代谢不同食物的方式,由此影响我们会增重多少。It is thought the composition of millions of bacteria in our intestines can effect how we metabolise different foods and, therefore, how much weight we gain.

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同时,鸡蛋中蛋黄中的蛋白质含量、蛋黄素以及类维生素B远比蛋白高很多,这些都有益于肝脏分解吸收胆固醇。They also have less vitamin D. Egg yolks contain more protein than the white, as well as lecithin and choline, which help the liver break down and metabolise cholesterol.

十年前就已经发现AAPB在代谢糖类和L氨基酸会产生难熔分子,但是直到最近其规模才得以显现。It was discovered ten years ago that AAPB produce refractory molecules when they metabolise sugars and L-amino acids, but it is only recently that the scale on which they do so has become apparent.