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它们说,“我们打他吧,因为他是一个国王的儿子!”Shall we thrash him? He is the son

瑞典鞭挞金属乐队2吨的“捕食者”。Swedish thrash metal band 2 Ton Predator.

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我真要把你砸成薄饼,你转回头去!I'll thrash you into mincemeat ! turn back!

他很生气,就开始鞭打一个仆人。He became angry and began to thrash a servant.

向外流出的物质会强力搅动,形成曲状喷流。The outflows can thrash about, forming curved jets.

我们先把这浸事仔懈研究壹下,遮把它列褥议事日程。Let's thrash the matter over before it on the agenda.

到时候,你就回你们村儿打稻米吧。And then you’ll go back to your village and thrash rice.

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我们曾经播种、收获和打谷的谷子,就正好是这样的粮食。It was grain like this that we used to sow and reap and thrash.

我不可以痛打马奇婶婶,所以我只好随她怎么叫。I can't thrash Aunt March, so I suppose I shall have to bear it.

如果约翰不肯说,我们只得从他那里逼出真相。If John won't tell, we shall have to thrash the truth out of him.

拜讬!你戴著耳塞要如何享受听鞭击金属乐啊?Come on! How can you enjoy listening to thrash metal when wearing earplugs?

之后,我们请一群小流氓冲进房间,在房间里乱敲乱打。Then, we ask a group of hooligans to go into the rooms and thrash the rooms.

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这名歌手能感觉到观众对她的表演正失去兴趣,因此她开始拿不定主意该怎么办。The singer could feel she was losing her audience and she began to thrash around.

一旦那块地成了他们自己的,她就回家做个正儿八经的家庭主妇,还有舂米。Once the field became theirs, she would return home as a proper housewife and thrash rice.

尤文图斯和恩波利的代表正在米兰城就阿根廷人的转会事宜进行谈判。Juve and Empoli representatives are meeting in Milan to thrash out terms over the Argentine.

鞭挞金属杰作“毫无益处”湾区鸫鸟“比奥暴力”的第一首歌曲。First song of the Thrash Metal masterpiece 'Nothing To Gain' by the Bay Area thrashers 'Violence'.

关闭的鞭挞金属杰作“毫无益处”湾区鸫鸟“比奥暴力”的第五首歌曲。Fifth song off the Thrash Metal masterpiece 'Nothing To Gain' by the Bay Area thrashers 'Violence'.

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落井下石,是全长从新泽西州的鞭挞金属乐队的第三张录音室专辑,头颈部。Insult to Injury is the third full-length studio album from New Jersey thrash metal band, Whiplash.

法甲球会马赛希望能够与利物浦谈判以将法国前锋西塞续租一个赛季。Marseille hope to thrash out a deal to keep Djibril Cisse on loan from Liverpool from another year.

右臂划水至肩下,开始向右侧转头和增大呼气量。Sword arm thrash falls to the shoulder, begin rightward to turn head and increase expiratory amount.