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有优厚的技术力量和雄厚的经济基础。Has the munificent technical force and the abundant economic basis.

的确,那些传播首神讯息的人们是最慷慨的。Certainly those who spread the message of Godhead are most munificent.

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老人对医院慷慨的捐赠赢得了高度赞扬。The old man's munificent donation to the hospital was highly appreciated.

他能够轻而易举地做到宽宏大量,但是一接触到现实,事情就难办了。He can be easily munificent. But when it comes to reality, things become difficult.

更为优厚的是,该奖励对帐号下所有角色均能享受!What is more munificent , this reward all roles can enjoy to the account number under!

她力劝我接受那个新职位,虽然那职位报酬并不优厚。She exhorts me to accept that new position although that position reward is not munificent.

在动态性较低的环境中,他们最好能以一种宽松的方式进行规划。In less dynamic environments, they are better of pursuing a munificent approach to planning.

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而我国政府对跨国资本在西部投资的优厚待遇,也起到了催化的作用。Government's munificent treatments has also catalysized transnational capital invest in the west.

科大校董会主席陈祖泽博士衷心感谢李兆基博士的鼎力支持。HKUST Council Chairman Dr John C C Chan expressed profound gratitude to Dr Lee for his munificent donation.

这就给缺乏水力、能源的荷兰,提供了利用风力的优厚补偿。This has provided holland lucking of the mater power, energy remvce the use wind power munificent compensation.

鉴于担保债券具有如此高的安全性,很难指望其回报十分丰厚,事实也确实如此。Given the high level of security, you could hardly expect a covered bond to offer a munificent return and they don't.

你要学会宽宏大度,能容忍别人的过失,同时要直言相劝,热情帮助对方。You should learn to tolerate munificent magnanimous, the faults of others, and to help each other to counsel, enthusiastic truth.

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在这样破旧的房子里,怎么会有人值得鲁王这么慎重,以厚礼邀其出任要职呢?In this shabby house, is it possible to have a guy who is worthy of being invited gingerly with munificent presents to be in the vital post?

从某种意义上说,它是舒洁积30多年的写作,一次自我清算性质的“豪举暴施”。From some kind of meaning, it is the accumulation of Shujie's thirty years compositions, a self-settling "munificent feat of fierce actualization".

大学的不同层面、不同领域的价值取向的差异以及由此而引发的冲突反映了大学所独有的、丰实的文化内涵。The differences of the value orientation in different fields and the relevant conflicts reflect the unique, munificent cultural connotation of the universities.

调查内容之一是,这名女员工离开国际货币基金组织时,卡恩有没有违规为她谋取优厚补偿。One of investigation contents is, when this female staff leaves the International Monetary Fund, does Kann have contrary seeks the munificent compensation for her.

何谓“一流教师”?一流的教师应具有宽宏的气度、高深的学术造诣、精湛的教学艺术、较高的人文素养和良好的心理素质。What is the first-class teacher?They have munificent bearing, advanced scientific attainments, upper humanities accomplishment and favorable psychological feature.

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它的身子有三棵参天大树那么长,有你王宫里的大谒见厅那么宽,哦,尊贵而慷慨的哈里发。Its length was equal to that of three of the loftiest trees that grow, and it was as wide as the great hall of audience in your palace, O most sublime and munificent of the caliphs.

垂涎三尺的美酒佳肴、唾手可得的丰厚奖品、一望而及的高尔夫练习场让来宾们跃跃欲试。All visitors itched to have the excellent wine and delicious dishes licked their chops, win the munificent prizes lay in their way, play golf in the driving range fell under their eye.