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维堡,位于丹麦,是一座拥有悠久历史的老城镇。Viborg is a city in Denmark.

你是丹麦队的支持者吗?Are you supporters of Denmark?

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亨瑞克很少离开丹麦。Henrik rarely traveled from Denmark.

丹麦的糖果贴错标签。Candy from Denmark that is mislabeled.

他说,丹麦可能已经过度反应。He says Denmark may have over-reacted.

丹麦的前锋线有哪些队员?Which forwards are there in Denmark team?

丹麦是个王国。Denmark was his favorite European country.

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丹麦,大海拥抱着这里的城市和人民。In Denmark the sea embraces people and cities.

在丹麦最受欢迎的体育运动是足球。The most popular sport in Denmark is football.

丹麦在全国范围内取缔了反式脂肪The whole country of Denmark banned Trans fats.

许多年以前丹麦有一个制作玩具的老先生。Many years ago an old toymaker lived in Denmark.

我的爸爸和我正在乘船去丹麦的旅途中。My dad and I are traveling on a ship to Denmark.

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哥本哈根于1445年成为丹麦的首都。Copenhagen became the capital of Denmark in 1445.

邱珏麟是来自丹麦的网络企业家。HEILESEN is an internet entrepreneur from Denmark.

谁知道?搞不好你会爱上他,然后就去丹麦了。May be you'll fall in love and run off to Denmark.

丹麦人口据估计有五百四十万。Denmark has an estimated population of 5.4 million.

丹麦为中国的成就感到由衷的高兴。Denmark welcomes and applauds the success of China.

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他是不错的球员,配得上去到一个高水平的联赛踢比赛。In Denmark there are just a few high-quality games.

这种事情每一年都发生在丹麦的斐罗岛。This happens every year in Feroe Island in Denmark.

六万普鲁士人于二月入侵了丹麦。Sixty thousand Prussians invaded Denmark in February.