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外源脱落酸则对这三种糖均有促进效果。Exogenous ABA has advance in these three sugars.

政府重组同样可被看作是一外源性事件。Changes of government can be regarded as exogenous events too.

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位于该调控序列内的ALB高效表达。The exogenous gene ALB was highly expressed in the regulating sequence.

但是这种外生性信贷合约的效率却不高。But the efficiency of this kind of exogenous credit contract is not high.

目的探讨外源性雌激素对利凡诺引产的影响。Objective To study the effects of exogenous estrogen on fracture healing.

同时,我们还能对“哪些变量为外生变量”这样的问题,有更好的把握。It is also possible to get a better idea of which variables are exogenous.

在荣昌猪断乳后开口饲料中,添加外源性蛋白酶,进行饲养试验。Exogenous protease was added into the feed of weaned piglet in the experiment.

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你描述的症状,大多是由于内热引起的外感。The symptoms you describe, most of them arising as a result of exogenous heat.

“赤”当是一个标志伤寒发热貌的摹状词。Chi is a descriptive word describing the appearance of exogenous febrile fever.

外源赤霉素能影响某些竹种的有性更新过程。Vegetative rejuvenation of some bamboo species can be effected by exogenous GA3.

成功的外源运输及在酿酒酵母中引入的代谢途径。Successful exogenous transport and metabolic pathways introduced in S. cerevisiae.

结论内外源性促性腺激素均可以激活卵巢源肾素-血管紧张素系统。Conclusion The both of endogenous and exogenous gonadotropins can activate the OVRAS.

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失衡是由外部冲击引起,并随机发生的。Deviations from equilibrium are caused by exogenous shocks and occur in a random manner.

德育中的"内发"论与"外铄"论统一于一个完整的德育过程。Endogenous and exogenous theories in moral education are united into a complete process.

已有显示完整的椎间盘的外源交联在关节稳定性方面增加了四倍。Exogenous crosslinking of intact discs has shown a fourfold increase in joint stability.

早期阶段的幼胚培养成苗与外源激素有一定关系。Plants normally grown at early stage in young embryos are related to exogenous hormones.

该插入序列造成GRA1基因移码突变。The frameshift mutation for GRA1 gene resulted from the insertion of exogenous sequence.

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这样的认识使得犁青的相关诗学理论有了超出于认识犁青本人的外铄性意义。Therefore, the understanding of Li Qing's poetics is deemed to obtain exogenous meaning.

说明采用浸苗法进行外源总DNA导入是可行的。It is feasible to use the soaking seedling method to introduce exogenous DNA into plants.

经济发展战略是一个外生的、可以由政府选择的变量。Economic development strategy is an exogenous variable, which can be chosen by government.