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他忠于信念,这是毋庸置疑的。The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable.

毫无疑问,罗纳尔多对皇马是不可或缺的。That Ronaldo is utterly essential to Real’s chances is unquestionable.

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在逻辑学和数学说,真理是指不容置疑、理所当然的事物。In logic and math, an axiom is something unquestionable or taken for granted.

大多数人单纯地将牧师说的当做不可置疑的真理。Most people simply took what was spoken by the preacher as an unquestionable truth.

毫无疑问,作者掌握了关于这个主题的基本理论。The author's grasp of the rudiments of the theory of the subject is unquestionable.

“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,这是无可争议的。"The favour of drop water, should emerge fontal look signs up for " , this is unquestionable.

上述公司在实业界颇受尊敬,并享有很高的声誉。The above firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.

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当您相信一件事,就要不多说并毫无疑问的相信下去。When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. – Walt Disney

不要这个一个人约会,除非他一个有绝对才华的巨星。Do not date anyone exclusively unless he or she is an A-list performer whose talent is unquestionable.

曼联本赛季表现出来的活力和速度,特别在中场是毫无疑问的。The energy and pace with which United have played this term, particularly in midfield, is unquestionable.

在这种情况下,毫无疑问需要对整个中国科学传播系统进行改革。Given the situation, it is unquestionable that reforms are needed throughout China's science communication system.

我没有看到过更使人振奋的事实了,人类无疑是有能力来有意识地提高他自己的生命的。I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor.

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他觉得自己得以瞻仰了一位世界上真正伟大的人物,确实是三生有幸。It seemed to him unquestionable that fortuitously he had been permitted to look upon one of the world's really great men.

这些科学家都有着很高的职业声望,他们数年来对科学知识的贡献毋庸置疑。These scientists are highly reputed professionals, whose contributions over the years to scientific knowledge are unquestionable.

不容置疑的国家发展主要内容应该像拥有一个机械、白板的过去。The unquestionable leitmotiv of the current development of the nation could be summarized as a mechanical tabula rasa of the past.

针对长期以来,我国刑、民事诉讼中均坚持“事实清楚,证据确实充分”同一的证明标准。In a long period, the same standard of "clear facts, unquestionable and sufficient evidences" is persevered in the criminal and civil lawsuits.

如今,对因侵权产生的精神损害赔偿,无论在理论上还是司法实践上都没有疑义。Nowadays, it is unquestionable that whether in theory or in practice the damages for non-pecuniary loss under liability for tort should be awarded.

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因为毫无疑问地,劳动力是劳动者的财产,因此除劳动者以外,没人有权拥有那些融合了他的劳动力的劳动产物。Because the labor is the unquestionable property of the laborer and therefore, no one but the laborer can have a right to what is joined to or mixed with his labor.

农药对确保农业丰产丰收做出了巨大贡献,但同时农药的残留问题也给人类带来了潜在的威胁。The use of pesticides provides unquestionable benefits in increasing agricultural production, However, the problem of pesticide residues has potential risk to consumers.

很多已解密的文件上有涂白,关于联邦调查局这次调查的最终目的还很不明朗。但是特工们在这项调查工作中的严肃性是勿容置疑的。Many parts of the released files are whited out and the FBI's ultimate targets are unclear, but the seriousness with which the agency treated the investigation is unquestionable.