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谁是其合法拥有者?And who are their rightful owners?

他要求做合法的继承人。He claims to be the rightful heir.

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他声称自己合法地买了走私货。He claimed to be the rightful heir.

有正职,要乾净,老实,有责任感!Have rightful job, clean, responsibility!

你把金箍棒物归原主了么?Did you return the staff to rightful owner?

他声称自己是唯一合法的继承人。He claimed that he was the only rightful heir.

财产判给了合法所有人。The property was adjudged to the rightful owner.

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得到父亲的财产是你的正当要求。You have a rightful claim to your father's property.

合法的继承人应获得其合法的继承权。The rightful heir should obtain his rightful inheritance.

北方再一次被摆放到舆图上的准确的位置--舆图的上方。Once again, north assumed its rightful place at the top of maps.

对于王位的合法继承权有过一场争论。There was a dispute about the rightful succession to the throne.

公正的认准每件事物是智慧的开端。The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their rightful names.

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现在,这些财富必须归还原主—利比亚人民。Now that wealth must serve its rightful owners -- the Libyan people.

在第五大洲拿下第六座世界杯是理所当然的宠儿。Rightful favourites to win their sixth World Cup on a fifth continent.

他们坚决相信他们是土地的合法主人。Theywere firmly convinced that they were the rightful owner of the lands.

当地居民对谁是合法所有者没有丝毫疑问。Local inhabitants haven'tthe slightest doubt as to who is the rightful owner.

警方表示,被发现的珠宝已经物归原主。The recovered jewellery has been returned to its rightful owner, police said.

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这对夫妇关系破裂后,均声称自己是唐老鸭漫画书的合法主人。When they split up, they both claimed to be the rightful owner of the comic book.

他们都目睹了德崇的破产,所以他们很担心这个问题。They had all just witnessed Dennis's Drexel blowup, so theirs was rightful concern.

在争取我们的合法地位的过程中,我们不应该因为错误的行为而自咎。In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.