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二是在裱画的时候,一定要特别的小心,必须先戴好白色的手套,以免弄脏。The mounting paintings, must be careful, you must wear a white gloves, lest flyblown.

因为墙面轻易弄脏,有小孩的家庭更会为涂鸦而伤透脑筋。Because metope is easy flyblown , the family that has a child can be doodle more and the injury shows head.

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那些珍贵的书籍已经放在有门的书柜内,再也不怕让尘埃弄脏了。Those precious books had been put inside the bookcase that has the door, also not be afraid of again make dust flyblown.

但假如是质量欠佳的洗手盆,就会涨满水盆甚至流向地面,把地板弄湿弄脏。But the lavabo that if be quality, owes beautiful, can go up full birdbath flows to the ground even, wet the floor flyblown.

铺装之前严格按照施工规则进行防护,可以防止大理石被弄脏。Before the shop is installed undertake strictly defending according to construction regulation, can prevent marble by flyblown.

厨房的墙壁总是十分轻易弄脏,可配贴色彩和图案适宜的瓷片。The wall of the kitchen always is very easy and flyblown , can deserve to stick the ceramics with colour and appropriate design.

而VOC含量低的涂料,其墙体的抓牢度也几乎为零,轻易脱落,会弄脏接触它的孩子。And the painting with VOC small content, the cinch of its wall body is spent also be almost 0, fall off easily, can flyblown contact its child.

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调皮捣蛋是孩子的天性,因为孩子打翻墨水瓶、弄脏雪莉毕业作品,雪莉负气出走。Piquant make trouble is the child's nature, graduate because of child overturn inkstand, flyblown Xue Li work, snow Li do sth in a fit of pique leaves.

以前家中对墙面的修饰不多,所以把厨房用具挂在墙上不卫生,反过来弄脏了墙也很难打扫。Be opposite in the home before of metope decorate not much, hang kitchenware on the wall so not wholesome, conversely flyblown the wall is cleaned very hard also.

如蔬菜摄入减少,易引起便秘而“弄脏血液”,影响头发质量,加速头顶部的脱发。If vegetable is absorbed, decrease, easy cause constipation and " flyblown blood " , affect hair quality, quicken the lose one's hair of ministry of the top of head.

但现在不怕,厨房的四壁都贴着墙砖,很干净,弄脏了只要用洗洁精擦一下就可以了。But do not be afraid of now, the 4 walls of the kitchen are sticking wall brick, very clean, flyblown it is OK to should be brushed with the essence that wash clean only.

假如空间太小,只能站着换鞋的话,那么最好在经常手扶的墙壁处做一块装饰板,以防弄脏墙面。If the space is too little, can stand to exchange the word of the shoe only, had better be in so often the wall point that the hand helps does an adornment board, in case flyblown metope.