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新的测试版本。New beta Ver.

斜率用beta表示And the slope is called beta.

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这里α还是优于β的So Alpha dominates Beta here.

我选α优于选β吗Does my Alpha dominate my Beta?

多少人选了βHow many chose Beta in this case?

我选α并不优于选βMy Alpha doesn't dominate my Beta.

那有谁选了βWhat about somebody who chose Beta?

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差不多三分之一的人选βRoughly, almost a third choose Beta.

能不能把麦克风给一位选了β的同学So how can I get a mike into a Beta?

这里有一个选β的All right, there's a Beta here, okay.

有一天你也可能成为斐陶斐的一员。Someday you may be a Phi Beta Kappa !

而且,这是好的,黄金或试用版吗?And also, which is good, gold or beta?

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要当心对β测试的过分依赖。Beware of an overreliance on beta testing.

所有确认的测试版本试用者都会收到一份礼物。All active beta testers will receive a gift.

这就是β点的化学势。So here's the chemical potential at point beta.

谁觉得应该选βWho thinks you should choose Beta in that case?

不过,目前网站只对受邀用户开发beta测试版。However, it’s currently in invitation-only beta.

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没有,对我来说选α并不优于βNo, in fact, alpha doesn't dominate Beta for me.

一年后第一个公众测试版就面世了。The first public beta was unveiled a year later.

还要注意,这个指南还是在测试阶段。Also be warned, that this HOWTO is at beta state.