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把一个念头想象成一张桌面。Imagine an idea as a tabletop.

这个桌面能擦得很亮。This tabletop polished up nicely.

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桌面正中央有一颗小铜星作为标记。A small brass star centred the tabletop.

重复这样的操作直到桌面被完全盖上。Repeat until the tabletop is fully covered.

这是一个显而易见的最难看的惨象。The scar on the polished tabletop is an eyesore.

他们把圆桌面滚到餐厅里。They rolled the round tabletop into the dining hall.

把茶杯托盘上,不要将茶碗直接桌面上。Always put your teacup on a saucer, never on the tabletop.

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天平台桌面为35英寸宽、24英寸深、2.5英寸厚的环氧树脂台面。Tabletop made of 35" wide, 24" depth, 2.5" thick Epoxy Slab.

这个团队一起工作,利用桌面系统解决问题。The teams worked together to solve problems on tabletop systems.

用桌上型微量离心机以最高速离心10分钟。Centrifuge for 10min at full speed in a tabletop microcentrifuge.

它是一座平顶山,四面围绕着400米的垂直峭壁。It is a tabletop mountain with sheer 400-metre highcliffs on all sides.

商用版的桌面显示器有一张咖啡桌那么大。Tabletop displays commercially available are the size of a coffee table.

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现在所有的油漆工作都已经结束,可以安心的开始在桌面上贴壁纸啦。Now all the painting is done, it's safe to start wallpapering the tabletop.

点数系统的运作方式很像桌面战锤。The point system works much like that of the tabletop version of Warhammer.

四个前双开门箱和一个折叠台面板可以组合成一个指挥桌,方便实用。Four double doors cases and one foldaway tabletop can be assembled into a desk.

您可能认为这是作为一名普通和老式的桌上乍看之下。You might think it is as an ordinary and old-fashioned tabletop at first glance.

它有石英表芯,能够被一个坐落在钟面下的刻度盘调整。It has quartz movement and can be adjusted with a dial located under the tabletop.

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我把脸贴在凉凉的黑色桌板上,试图让自己保持神志清醒。I put my cheekagainst the cool black tabletop and tried to hold on to my consciousness.

这些精致的灯笼有两种放置形式,墙挂的和台置的。These exquisite lanterns are available in two versions, viz . Wall Hanging and Tabletop.

这些自足的花园有很多集合形状,可供摆桌、亦可悬挂。The self-contained gardens come in a variety of geometric shapes for tabletop or hanging.