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倒进锅里。Pour into pan.

拉下来壶嘴倒。Pull pour spout down.

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我给你倒杯茶吧。Shall I pour you a cup?

我们需要人斟茶倒水。We need someone to pour.

竹篮儿打水一场空。pour water into a sieve.

给她筛一杯酒。Pour her a glass of wine.

我把水泼到头上。I pour water over my head.

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做颁云布雨的助手?To help pour out the rain?

诶…侬帮我倒杯茶来。Amah, pour me some tea too.

钱现在源源而来。Money now began to pour in.

倾国安慰着他。Pour countries comfort him.

倒入土制派的外壳。Pour into unbaked pie shell.

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使我倾斜,然后让我倾吐!Tip me over and pour me out!

把牛奶倒在果汁机里。Pour the milk in the blender.

我给你们再倒杯茶。Let me pour you some more tea.

倒出蛋浆及盛起。Pour and dish up the egg paste.

桶潲水倒掉吧。Pour away this bucket of slops.

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我们让茶通过滤器。We pour tea through a strainer.

我把整个心都掏给您了。I pour out my whole soul to you.

请给我倒一点威士忌提提神好吗?。Please pour me a jolt of whisky.