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逗号检查。Comma check.

函数检查。Function check.

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我得进行查核。I had to check.

签这张支票。Sign the check.

查下,第一通道。Check aisle one.

检查你的形态。Check your form.

使用拼写检查。Use spell check.

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我们来验证一下Well let's check.

检查你的呼气。Check your breath.

这是要兑的那张支票。Here is the check.

注意那个帽子。Check out the hats.

我要寄放外套。I'll check my coat.

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让我来查对一下。Let me check it up.

好吧,跟世通问一下。OK, check with Tom.

检查所有金属软管。Check all metal hose.

检查分页。Check for pagination.

让我替你查一查。Let me check for you.

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你这是一张现金支票。This is a cash check.

你无法检查灵魂。You can't check that.

发出之前,检查错别字。Check before send-out.