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神秘瀑布镇回归之日近了。A return to Mystic Falls really is near.

奈沙马兰认为这是一种神秘的对话。Shyamalan sees it as a mystic conversation.

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我想创造一些神秘和科幻。I wanted to create something mystic and scifi.

这般神秘和梦幻般可爱的地方。A place of such mystic and visionary loveliness.

他的内心不处在共济会的神秘主义方面。His heart wasn't in the mystic side of freemasonry.

网纱弹力好,透气,让女人更具有神秘感。Mesh is much elastic that make female is much mystic.

于是,在轰炸机的残骸里,一个老乐天诞生了。Opti the Mystic had been born in that bomber's wreckage.

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金脸和银脸代表神秘、神妖。And gold and silver represent mystic or super-natural power.

你认为该让Matt知道神秘瀑布镇的秘密吗?Do you think Matt should be let in on Mystic Falls’ secrets?

王轶琼的秘境名字叫静园。The mystic territory of Wang Yiqiong is called Still Garden.

在中代写职称论文西方文化中,“七”都是一个神秘数字。In either Chinese or western culture, seven is a mystic number.

要想达到真正的神圣之爱必须要经过一条神秘的上升之路。In order to obtain Agape, we must go on a mystic uprising road.

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班得瑞神秘的旋律恰恰给人一种和平和安全的感觉。Bandari's mystic sonorities convey a sense of peace and security.

基督教团体在香港的历史,可追溯至一八四一年。The company of all Christians regarded as a mystic spiritual body.

米凯拉·麦克玛纳斯要从神秘瀑布镇去夏威夷岛上了。Michaela McManus is going from Mystic Falls to the island of Hawaii.

在传奇和历史故事中,它被视为与外界隔绝的神秘土地。It figures in legend and history as a mystic land far back of beyond.

让他代表找寻整个爱情的神秘主义者是荒唐可笑的。It is ridiculous to represent him as a mystic in quest of total love.

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Tyler收到了一通令人不安的电话之后,将会回到神秘瀑布镇。Tyler returns to Mystic Falls after receiving a disturbing phone call.

本片1970年的预告片宣称这是一部“充满神秘色彩的电影,温柔,并性感”。The film's 1970 trailer proclaimed, "It is a mystic film. It is tender.

格伦·迪尼埃是此地康涅狄格州米斯蒂克的捕鲸博物馆馆长。Cordinier is curator of the Whaling Museum here in Mystic , Connecticut.