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你这‘操’是什么意思,我们在下沉?!we are sinking?!

这船正在下沉。The ship is sinking.

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但是它正在消沉吗?But is it sinking in?

往下沉的轮船沉没了。The sinking steamer sunk.

我们看着那艘船沉下去。We beheld the ship sinking.

日落西山。The sun is sinking in the west.

太阳正西下。SINK】The sun is sinking in the west.

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为可预见的事准备好偿债基金。Sinking funds for foreseeable events.

太阳正慢慢地利西方沈落。The sun was slowly sinking in the west.

据说,一个沉下去的人起来了三次。Three times, 't is said, a sinking man.

沉船的原因暂未查明。Causes of the sinking are still unknown.

八戒把你那颗手榴弹拿来。Pig bring you hand grenades are sinking.

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去追随知识,像那西沉的星星。To follow knowledge like a sinking star.

我们是否只是在人海中载浮载沉的几张脸?Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?

他们从正在下沈的船里把水舀出。They bailed water out of the sinking boat.

太阳正徐徐地沉入地平线下。The sun is gradually sinking below the horizon.

他们冒着风暴到达正在下沉的船只。They braved the storm to reach the sinking ship.

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轮船沉没时他们用无线电呼救。They radioed for help when the ship was sinking.

乘客们从快沉的船上被救起。The passengers were rescued from the sinking ship.

你的全身正渐渐地往下沉,越沉越深。Your whole body is sinking down deeper and deeper.