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这就是弥尔顿得到“秋天般的“灵感的来源This is where Milton gets the "autumnal."

这就是弥尔顿得到“秋天般的“灵感的来源“This is where Milton gets the "autumnal."

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秋色将漫山遍野染得一片火红。The hills were inflamed with autumnal tints.

秋分种麦最相宜。The Autumnal Equinox is the best time for wheat-sowing.

秋风使堆起来的树叶散开了。The autumnal breeze caused the heaped-up leaves to unpile.

给我多汁的秋日果实,红熟于果园。Give me juicy autumnal fruit ripe and red from the orchard.

灿烂的秋光染红了枫叶。The maple leaves are aflame with brilliant autumnal sunshine.

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时序刚刚过了秋分,就觉得突然增加了一些凉意。The weather suddenly grew chilly just after the autumnal equinox.

本周,他乐观实用主义在秋寒料峭的莫斯科接受检验。This week his optimistic pragmatism was tested in a chilly, autumnal Moscow.

但是高达77,83F接近秋天的温度也无法真正使我这个北方女孩害怕。But highs of 77 or 83 aren't exactly autumnal to this Northern girl at heart.

但是高达77,83F接近秋天的温度也无法真正使我这个北方女孩害怕。But highs of 77 or 83 aren’t exactly autumnal to this Northern girl at heart.

时序刚刚过了秋分,就觉得突然增加了一些凉意。Timing recently had a autumnal equinox, feel suddenly increased some cool idea.

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所以,“秋霜红叶”的爱情小说,人气超高。So, "Autumn frost red autumnal leaves " love novel, the person enrages freeboard.

墙纸上的玫瑰图案已经泛黄,四壁皆然,好似满山秋色。The roses on the wallpaper had yellowed, and each wall held an autumnal mountain landscape.

这部新音乐片的一举成名给它的作曲人带来了迟到的辉煌。The immediate success of the new musical has meant an autumnal blaze of glory for the composer.

深色墨水渍在这些水彩印花中起到视觉反差作用,是秋季服装系列的理想印花设计。The darker blot contrasts in these designs could be an ideal way to update autumnal collections.

所以红茶具有红茶。红汤。红叶和香甜味醇的特征。So black tea has the feature of black tea, red soup, red autumnal leaves and sweet smell alcohol.

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由于秋天的天气比较凉爽,气候比较好,是宝宝断奶的好时机。Because autumnal weather is cooler, climate is better, it is the inning that darling ablactations.

我想知道,那个熟悉的路口,曾经有你斑驳足印的地方,落叶是否积满香径。I want to know, the familiar crossroads, have your footprints, autumnal leaves with sweet. Whether.

本报读者尤金·麦康维尔发来这幅摄于伦敦普里奥里港的秋季照片。Daily Telegraph reader Eugene McConville sent in this autumnal photograph taken in Priory Park, London