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我怎样才能到岷山饭店?How can I get to Minshan Hotel?

更喜岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜。Minshan thousands more hi snow, after the three services do Kai-yan.

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你可以去锦江河边岷山饭店附近的英语角。You can join the English Speaking Corner by Jinjiang River near Minshan Hotel.

青藏高原东缘由岷山断块和龙门山构造带构成。The eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau is composed of the Minshan Block and Longmenshan.

而邹敏的性格似乎也注定了她与岷山的不解之缘。Fate brought Zou Min to Minshan Hotel, but it was her strong characters that kept her there.

认为蜀人的大石崇拜最初来自对蚕丛所居之地岷山的崇拜,是大山崇拜的一种表现形式。It finds out that worship to great stones derived from worship to Minshan Mountain where silkworms were raised.

酒店座落于成都市市中区,毗邻繁华商业区,商务休闲购物方便快捷。Minshan is located in central Chengdu near the downtown, which is convenient for commerce, leisure and shopping.

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三星堆的纵目神像为鱼凫族的信仰,而鱼凫族同样源于眠山。The bronzes with projecting eyes of Sanxingdui signify the belief of the Yu Fu clan whose origin is also from Minshan.

四川岷山饭店隶属于四川岷山投资有限公司,开业于1988年,是西南地区最早的四星级酒店。Sichuan Minshan Hotel established in 1988 is under Sichuan investment Ltd. , and it is the earliest four star hotel in Chengdu.

岷山山系是全球生物多样性保护的热点地区之一,有着全世界最大的大熊猫种群和面积最大的大熊猫栖息地。Minshan Mountain is one of the biodiversity protection hotspots on the globe. There are the biggest giant panda population of the world.

1993年,作者在甘肃省祁连山北麓铧尖地区和岷山北麓迭部地区作了莱姆病血清流行病学调查。From 1991 to 1993, in Huajian Region of Sunan Country at the northern foot of Qil-ian Mountain and Diebu forest region of Minshan Mountain.

黄龙位于四川北部阿坎藏族羌族自治州松潘县境内的岷山山脉南段,属青藏高原东部边缘向四川盆地的过渡地带。Huanglong locates in the south section, Minshan Mountain, Songpan County, Akanzang and Qiang nationality autonomous prefecture, north of Sichuan province.

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九寨沟自然保护区地处四川盆地北部岷山山脉南段,属川西高原气候中的暖温带。Jiuzhaigou nature reserve is located in north Sichuan, at the south section of Minshan Mountain, having a warm temperate climate which belongs to West Sichuan plateau climate.

缺苞箭竹是大熊猫最喜食的竹种之一,主要分布于四川的岷山山系,构成冷杉林下的主要层片。Fargesia denudata, which composed a major layer under Abies faxoniana forests, was one of the favorite staple bamboos for the Giant Panda, and was distributed mainly in the Mt. Minshan ranges.