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有分歧的声音必须得到倾听。Divergent voices must be heard.

必须欢迎有分歧的想法。Divergent ideas must be invited.

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但如何协调分歧习惯?But how to reconcile divergent practices?

南海北部陆缘是离散型大陆边缘。The northern continental margin of the SCS is a divergent one.

每年夏天,吸引了无数的游人纷沓而至。Every summer, attracting countless visitors and to divergent Da.

然而,人们对正在讨论的问题的看法是有分歧的。People’s views, however, are divergent on the matter in question.

切萨罗的老师欧仁·查理·卡塔兰也轻视发散级数。Cesàro's teacher, Eugène Charles Catalan, also disparaged divergent series.

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不要相信任何人,所有的事情都与表面现象大相径庭!Do not trust anybody, all things are widely divergent with their superficies.

关于沧源崖画的制作年代问题,目前学术界仍有分歧,尚未取得一致意见。As for the times of their creation, still there exist some divergent opinions.

范-库腾和阿伯特以海獭和海狸迥然不同的命运为例。Van Kooten and Abbot point to the divergent fates of the sea otter and beaver.

我开始审视我们在性别政治上的观点,分歧之大,难以让我心情缓和。I began to think our views on sexual politics might be too divergent for comfort.

事实上,阿仑方差对白相和闪相噪声是发散的。In fact, Allan variance is divergent to white phase noise and flicker phase noise.

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求异世大陆。都市异能。现代佣兵小说。书荒啊。Divergent world continent. Urban ability. Modern mercenary novel. Book shortage ah.

对俄罗斯来说,困扰自己多年来的是来自本国的分歧。For the Russians, what matters is the countries’ divergent paths in recent decades.

对学生交际策略是否具有可教性,学者仍然没有定论。Scholars still have divergent ideas on the teachability of communicative strategies.

提问的另外一种方式,就是询问是需要聚合型还是发散型答案。Another approach to questioning asks if they require convergent or divergent answers.

这些大学广泛利用发散思维,一定目标和注重能力来教育学生。These colleges educate students with wildly divergent interests, goals and abilities.

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然而,这种散射的光束可以通过镜头的帮助被转化成平行光束。However, such a divergent beam can be transformed into a collimated beam by means of a lens.

对于中国股票目前是廉价还是昂贵,市场分歧很大。There are widely divergent views on whether Chinese stocks are currently cheap or expensive.

分析师称,本周债券价格走势反复,暗示市场对经济持截然不同的两种看法.The week's see-saw market actions signaled two divergent views on the economy, analysts said.