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引航是非强制的。Pilotage is not compulsory.

几艘拖船协助引航?How many tugs assist pilotage?

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领航时代前进的、先进的、优秀文化。Pilotage advance of the times, advanced and excellent culture.

不,我船不要引航员,我持有引航豁免证书。No, I do not require pilot—I am the holder of Pilotage Exemption Certificate.

本港现有83名持有执照的领港员,透过一家私人公司提供领航服务。There are 83 licensed pilots who provide pilotage services through a private company.

实践表明,船长与引航员信息交流的开展,促进引航安全。It shows that application of master and pilot information exchange in pilotage promotes the safety of pilotage.

香港的领航服务由一家私营公司香港领港会提供。Pilotage service in Hong Kong is provided through a private company, namely the Hong Kong Pilotage Association.

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引水业逐渐被外国势力控制,对国防安全也产生了不良影响。The falling of pilotage into the control of foreigners had dangerous Impacts on China's national defense and security.

引航的具体办法由国务院交通主管部门规定。The specific measures for pilotage shall be formulated by the competent department of communications under the State Council.

晚清时期,中国原有的引水业受到外来势力的冲击,逐渐走向制度化,同时中国籍引水人逐渐被边缘化。Under the influence of foreign powers, pilotage gradually became institutionalized and Chinese pilots became marginalized during late Qing Dynasty.

引航排班调度管理在计算机上实现并成功地运用,是国内各大港口引航部门研究的课题之一。Computer implementations and their successful applications of pilotage arrange work and dispatch management is a problem that all large po- rt's pilotage organizations face at home.

以浙江台州港综合安全评估为例,采用未确定知测度的方法对该港区水域的航行安全性进行研究和计算。Making an example of the synthesized safety assessment for the Taizhou port, the method of unascertained measure was applied to investigate the ship navigation safety in pilotage water area.

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第十条为保证油轮的安全引航、靠泊和防止海域污染,所有进港的空载油轮留存的压舱水不得少于该油轮载重量的四分之一。In order to ensure safe pilotage and berthing and prevent pollution, all load-free oil tankers calling at ports must have ballasting water on less than one fourth of their loading capacities.

运用模糊函数对相对风险的构成因子综合计算,得出引航风险成因的最优关联因数,进行船舶引航风险成因的关联度排序。Moreover, by the help of fuzzy function in the analysis of relative risk factors, the optimal relational coefficient of risk factors of ship pilotage and the relational degree taxis are obtained.

今年以来,日照港运输生产形势趋好,进港船舶密度较往年增大,引航生产任务量也有较大增长。Since this year, sunshine harbor carries manufacturing situation up-and-up, approach shipping density relatively in former years increases, pilotage produces task quantity to also have bigger growth.