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你可能享受这一工作电视电话会议,与丹。You might enjoy that teleconference with Dan.

现行电话会议系统的主流是基于H.323协议体系。Nowadays, most of teleconference system base on H. 323 protocol.

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为什么不用网络会议代替电话会议呢?还是免费的。Why don't we use Netmeeting instead of teleconference? It's free.

我们为什么不用网络会议代替电话会议呢?还是免费的。Why don't we use Netmeeting instead of teleconference ? It's free.

我们为什么不用网络会议来代替电话会议呢?。A. Why don't we use Netmeeting instead of teleconference? It is free.

与会者可获得比电话会议丰富得多的各种信息。Therefore the conferee can obtain more information than at the teleconference.

这节课中,我们会听到危险期过后的电讯会议。In this episode, we’ll hear a teleconference meeting after that critical phase.

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2010年6月1日,突发事件委员会以电话会议形式召开了第八次会议。The Emergency Committee held its eighth meeting by teleconference on 1 June 2010.

2010年8月10日,突发事件委员会以电话会议形式召开了第九次会议。The Emergency Committee held its ninth meeting by teleconference on 10 August 2010.

赫特林是在提克里特附近跟五角大楼记者举行视频记者会时说的这番话。Hertling was speaking near Tikrit in a teleconference with reporters at the Pentagon.

该协议覆盖了数据、音频、陆地移动电台和视频电话会议网络等。The agreement covers data, voice, land mobile radio and video teleconference networks.

把灯按亮,来电话会进入语音留言。Presses brightly the lamp, comes the teleconference to enter the pronunciation message.

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突发事件委员会于2010年2月23日以电话会议方式举行了第七次会议。The Emergency Committee held its seventh meeting by teleconference on 23 February 2010.

今天,省政府召开电视电话会议,部署深化改革严格土地管理工作。Today, the provincial government held a teleconference , to be deployed out of strict land management.

他发现,这是与视频会议或计算机聊天系统明显不同的经历。He finds it to be a distinctly different experience from a video teleconference or a computer chat system.

此项目的应用领域之一是电话会议注释应用程序。One of the more useful areas in which to implement this project is in a teleconference annotation application.

伯明翰工厂的经理们每天和位于斯图加特的总部举行两小时的电话会议。Managers at their factory in Birmingham hold a two-hour teleconference with head office in Stuttgart every day.

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昨日,小两口开了个电话会议,旨在交流心得,增进感情,促进爱情。Yesterday, the young couple had a teleconference to tell each other what he or she learned from life, love , etc.

我们提供方便和负担训练计画效益的最大化每个电话打电话。We provide a convenient and affordable Train-The-Trainer program to maximize the results of each teleconference call.

这是记者昨天从做好清欠农民工工资暨冬季施工安全工作电视电话会议上获悉的。This is good news yesterday from farmers began construction workers wages cum winter safety teleconference was informed.