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危险逼近他。Danger overhangs him.

我们现在脱离危险了。Now we're out of danger.

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她会敢于面对任何危险。She will dare any danger.

危险性被夸大了。The danger is overstated.

追尾危险。Rear-End Collision Danger.

约翰是天不怕地不怕的。John was a fool for danger.

但是,挖煤是一份很危险的工作。But dig coal is very danger.

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我船有倾覆的危险。I am in danger of capsizing.

大的火灾是非常危险的。Is there any danger of fire?

脱离债务,就脱离危险。Out tof debt, out of danger.

危险并没有吓住那英雄。Danger didn't daunt the hero.

危险并没有吓住那位英雄。Danger didn't daunt the hero.

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这个病人已脱离危险。The patient is out of danger.

然而在近期是没有危险的。There is no near-term danger.

不智的事是危险的。What is not wisdom is danger.

危险并没有吓倒英雄。Danger did not daunt the hero.

危险并没有吓倒这位英雄。Danger did not daunt the hero.

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保障危险区的安全并报告。Secure danger area and report.

病人已经脱离危险了。The patient was out of danger.

甚至昏迷,危宵生命。Even stupor, danger night life.