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陶瓷纤维纸。Ceramic fiber paper.

纤维伸长低。Low fiber elongation.

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肉类不含纤维。Meat contains no fiber.

光纤由尼龙构成。Fiber consists of nylons.

木纤维壁厚。Wood fiber wall thickness.

天上拉海纤,下雨不过三。LaHaye fiber sky, rain, but three.

椰棕可以制成垫子。Coconut fiber can be made into mats.

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光纤熔接是一种粘土无公式。Fiber Fusion is a clay-free formula.

该纤维可被编织成布。The fiber may be woven into a cloth.

柿子还富含膳食纤维和热量。They are rich in fiber and calories.

梳棉过程中,单纤维梳理不好。Poor fiber individualization at card.

欢迎您来到天然居纺织品店!Welcome to Nature fiber Textile shop!

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特例大声地喊着,“难以相信我一直在吃植物纤维。I can’t believe I’m eating plant fiber.

化纤丝,沙线,玻璃纤维丝等。PET, Chemical fiber, Yarn, Glass fiber.

标准型陶瓷纤维油石。The standard Xebec Ceramic Fiber Stone.

车身材料为玻璃纤维和碳纤维。The body is fiberglass and carbon fiber.

化工,化纤设备的零件。Chemical, chemical fiber equipment parts.

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一些神经纤维束也是可见的。Some nerve fiber tracts are also visible.

但是他们很少吃含有植物纤维的食物。But they rarely, if ever, ate plant fiber.

并且,它还有富厚的纤维和镁。Plus, it has abundant fiber and magnesium.