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实验曲线几乎与横座标平行。The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa.

实验曲线几乎与模座标平行。The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa.

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但对于横轴之空气流场则较无明显影响。But there is no obviously effect on air flow-field of abscissa axis.

横坐标代表了30个图像采集来说,在一个90秒时期。The abscissa represents a 30 image acquisition run during a 90 sec period.

使用最低限度的协调与横坐标值使他们不跑在一起。Use a minimum of ordinate and abscissa values so they do not run together.

当然,此配置仅在图表被配置为显示零线时生效。Of course, this setting only takes effect if the abscissa is displaying a Zero-line.

以电力系统中常见的串联补偿电路为研究对象,提出了一种新的分析方法——级数分析法。This paper presents a method toc alcul ate the short circuit current of an abscissa compensation circuit.

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输入我们将广告牌当成一架飞机上的一个部分,而把这条路想象成横坐标轴。Input We regard the billboard as a segment on a plane and assume that the road is represented by the abscissa axis.

在以累积虫苞数为纵坐标、抽样次数为横坐标的图上,标出“接受”和“拒绝”的区域。We made a graph and vertical is number cumulated of gall, abscissa is sample times, line out"accept"or "unaccept"in graph.

社会生产方式与社会交往方式是马克思主义社会结构分析框架里的横坐标与纵坐标。The social production and communication patterns are the abscissa and ordinate of the Marxist framework for analyzing social structures.

提出将传统可靠性增长曲线模型结合正交缺陷分类属性缺陷类型,将不同种类的缺陷放在同一横坐标上进行比较,得出软件过程定性分析结论。The reliability growth model combines with different defect type of odc and projecting them on a common abscissa to make qualitative inferences.

在制定的位置显示图像,还可以改变位置来显示位置,可以自定义横坐标和纵坐标的值。Position in the development of display images, but also can change the location to display the location, can customize the abscissa and ordinate values.

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指人体在腾空后沿横轴翻转两周的同时,绕纵轴转体的复合空翻动作。Refers to the human body to turn over two week-long while soaring along the abscissa axis, circles the ordinate axis swivel the compound somersault movement.

目标群体的成本利益分析框架由一个坐标系的四个象限构成,其中纵坐标代表成本,横坐标代表利益。The cost increase of target group analyses 4 quadrant that frame fastens by a coordinate to form, among them ordinate represents cost, the abscissa represents an increase.

于二维类型图中,以连杆组中两个尚待决定的尺寸为图面座标轴,再于图面上区分出代表各种类型的区域。For a two-dimensional type map, both abscissa and ordinate of the map are two unknown parameters of the linkage. A map is then composed of several regions that represent different types.

将中国文学理论放在历史的坐标上加以观察,纵轴是中国文学理论发展的历史过程,横轴则是同时期不同质的文学理论的相互影响。The Chinese literary theory can be reviewed on the historical coordinates with its historical development as y-axis and interaction of different literary theories in the same period as abscissa.