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每天这些官老爷们什么也不干穷极无聊。Every day these officials do nothing and twiddle their thumbs.

有时,是的,但你许多时候也是无所事事的。Sometimes, yeah, but you also sit around twiddle your thumbs a lot, too.

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他是一个花花公子。他到处玩弄感情,从没对哪个女孩子认真过。He is a fop, he never been serious about any girls but twiddle with them.

有时候办公室里无事可做,他们就坐着无聊地打发时间。Sometimes they have nothing to do in the office and just sit twiddle their thumb.

有时,是的,但你许多时候也是无所事事的。哎,胡说八道。Sometimes, yeah, but you also sit around twiddle your thumbs a lot, too. oh, that's bull.

我不过是伸出手指轻轻捻弄我那耀眼的耳环,便引起如此注意。All I did to attract such attention was spread my fingers and twiddle with my glitzy earings.

该算法易于用硬件实现,其操作数访问地址的产生速度快于已有的算法。The data and twiddle factor address generation hardware is shown to have higher speed than previous methods.

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现在,这个突然的打击使他很不舒服,他除了盯着天空和无聊地玩弄拇指之外,无事可做。Now the sudden break makes him uncomfortable, having nothing else to do but to gaze at the sky and twiddle his thumbs.

这样每个人都知道明天要做什么,不用无聊地打发时光,等待指示。This way everyone knows what they are doing tomorrow and don’t have to twiddle their thumbs and wait for instructions.

有时当我想继续浏览下一页然后再回来更新时,却被困在上一页的更新中。Sometime I get caught up in the middle of updating one page when I want to move onto the next and twiddle with that and come back to my update later.

系统中分裂基、旋转矢量FFT的递归算法的应用实现了对冲击振动信号的快速频谱分析。Fast speed frequency analysis of shock and vibration signal is realized by application of FFT recursion algorithm based on split-radix and twiddle vector.

而且你确实可以把玩它,而不仅仅是旋转它——USB接口作为魔方的一部分,隐藏在这个立方体中,需要你来发现它——不搞定这个问题就别想充电。And you DO have to play rather than just twiddle it about a bit – the USB port is hidden in the cube and it’s part of the puzzle to discover it – no solving, no charge.

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世界第一的公会,为什么要自寻烦恼,停下来玩弄着大拇指等待进入所谓的“下一阶段”,看着其他人慢吞吞地走上来?Why bother trying to compete for world firsts if the leading guild has to twiddle their thumbs waiting for the next stage to be open, watching everyone and his mother catch up.

本文应用单纯形旋转迭代算法,求解多目标线性规划的妥协解,得到满意效果。In this paper, the author uses twiddle iteration algorithm of simplex method, finds multiple objective linear programming compromising solutions and obtains satisfactory results.

在两条河流汇集之处是一个大型的水塘,数百头河马聚集在这里,它们的小圆眼睛盯着我们并若无其事地摇动着耳朵,它们的鼻孔在落日余晖中吹起水柱。Where the two rivers join is a large pool crowded with a hundred hippos, their piggy eyes on us, their nostrils blowing plumes of water in the setting sun as they twiddle their ears.