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通过表面轮廓仪测量并计算表面形貌统计参数。The surface micro-topography was measured by a profilometer.

提出一种集共路干涉与相关处理为一体的非接触表面轮廓仪。A non-contact surface profilometer with common-path interference and correlative processing is proposed.

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依据白光干涉理论,研制了垂直扫描白光干涉表面三维形貌测量仪。Based on the white-light interference, a vertical scanning white-light interfering profilometer was designed.

介绍一种适于曲面形貌测量的新型触针式轮廓仪的传感机构。The sensing mechanism of a novel stylus profilometer for topographic measurements of curved surfaces is presented.

介绍一种可用于在线和在位检测的高分辨力激光轮廓仪。A high-resolution laser profilometer that can be applied to on-line and on-machine measurements is introduced in the paper.

为了克服现有路面平整度仪的不足,提出了一种新型的路面平整度仪系统。In order to overcome the disadvantages of the pavement profilometer in use, the system of new-style pavement profilometer is presented.

讨论了低压微位移驱动电路及控制方法在光电轮廓仪上的运用。The application of a low-voltage micro-displacement driving circuit and its control method on an optoelectronic profilometer are discussed.

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本文介绍采用触针式轮廓仪与通用微型机相连的表面三维形貌测量系统。In this paper, a three-dimensional measuring system for surface asperities is described, in which a microcomputer is interfaced to a stylus profilometer.

这种表面形貌测量仪可以实现米光学测量范围和并达到纳米分辨率,可以用来对表面粗糙度和表面缺陷进行实时测量。The optical profilometer provides a sub-micron measuring range with nanometer resolution and can be used to measure roughness or surface defects in real time.

文中论证和说明了惯性基准法原理及其在轨道试验车上的应用,包括机械构造和电子部分。The principle of inertia method and its application to the profilometer are demonstrated and described, including the details of the mechanical configuration and the electronic implementation used.