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选举的结果还并非是定局。The election result is not a foregone conclusion.

看来对抗是不可避免了,大人。Confrontation might be a foregone conclusion, milord.

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日本帝国主义投降的大势已经定了。The surrender of Japanese imperialism is now a foregone conclusion.

预料之中的梅德韦杰夫的获胜现在几乎已经成为定局,只差最后正式公布。The foregone conclusion of a Medvedev victory is now all but official.

全民公投似乎是预料中必然的结果。The referendum seemed almost a foregone conclusion in February, when Mr.

只有在对现有支出的预先消费,才会有生产力的增长。That only happens when there is foregone consumption out of current output.

这不仅是关于今天吃不上的饭或更多的社会动乱的问题。This is not just about meals foregone today or about increasing social unrest.

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虽然伊格尔顿的胜利是可以预见到的,但是另外那六个人也获得了一些选票。Though Eagleton’s victory was a foregone conclusion, the other six got some votes.

但是这个级别并不仅仅意味着疾病的大流行会是必然的结果。But the ranking does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a foregone conclusion.

资本的机会成本是指放弃投资证券所能够获得的回报。The cost of capital is once again thereturn foregone by not investing in securities.

你支付的钱加上你放弃的利益才是你真正的消费额。The money you spend plus the foregone interest represents the real cost of spending.

海兰珠心知事情已成定局,遂劝告弟弟不要再生事。LanZhu heart know something is a foregone conclusion, then advised brother do not regenerate.

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虽然中国的崛起尚未最后成定局,但它迄今为止的成功却不容置疑。Though China’s rise is still not a foregone conclusion, its success to date is beyond dispute.

此时,东北国民党军全军覆灭的命运,已成定局。The complete collapse of the Kuomintang troops in the Northeast then became a foregone conclusion.

每个决定都会有得有失——你放弃一些机会的同时也抓住了另外一些。Every decision means loss as well as gain----possibilities foregone as well as possibilities embraced.

但是,SABC广播,决定把只选9个,因为冠军是定局。But the broadcaster, SABC, decided to make only nine programmes, because the winner was a foregone conclusion.

这表明在新的货币政策基调下,一季度资金面宽松已成定局。This shows that monetary policy in the new tone, a quarter of the funds loose surface is a foregone conclusion.

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与传统书店相比,网络书店拥有许多的优势。The rise of the online bookstore, in fact it is foregone conclusion of Internet and EC developing book industry.

当别人还在自由自在的享受着青春年华,我却成了孩子的妈妈,我的生活就已经成了定局。When someone is in take one's ease of enjoying youth, I became a mother, my life has become a foregone conclusion.

购买发达市场债券者一般认为国家偿还债务是必然结局。Those who buy developed-market bonds have generally considered it a foregone conclusion that countries repay their debts.