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足底按摩界的黑暗面。The dark side of reflexology.

按摩,也可享有睁眼生命。Reflexology is also offered at Open Eyes of Life.

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这项小把戏就像是种迷你反射疗法。This little trick is like a mini reflexology session.

你从来没和人搭档做过足底按摩,你告诉她。You’ve never done reflexology with a partner, you tell her.

同样,你可以学习如何使用反射理论减轻痛苦和压力。Also, you can learn how to use reflexology for pain and stress relief.

一项研究表明站立的反射理论对疼痛和功能没有影响。One study showed that reflexology on the feet had no effect on pain and functioning.

那些喜好做足疗的人就开心了总算等到最喜爱的季节武汉丝足按摩。Those who prefer to do Reflexology has finally happy to wait on the favorite season.

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兰缇咬着下唇,看着你,说道,“所以说——你还是个足疗师?”Lentil chews her bottom lip, looking at you, and she says, “So—you’re still into reflexology?”

若能普遍推广反射区按摩课程,不仅有益国人身心健康,也可蓬勃反射区按摩业的发展。If we can make publicity for foot reflexology , not only beneficial to health but also industry development.

足部按摩,特别是反射区的按摩,不仅仅是一种能够释放压力的方法,同时也是一项很好的保健。Foot massage, particularly reflexology , is not just a way to release pressure but a way to keep healthy also.

按摩和足底按摩的地方到处都有,可以随时随地为您疲惫的身体做按摩,让您感觉精神振奋。Places for massage and reflexology are everywhere, ready to work on your tired body and leave you feeling refreshed.

当然,你无须理解耳朵接受抚慰,放松和康乐效益反射学。You certainly don’t need an understanding of ear reflexology to receive all the soothing, relaxing and well-being benefits.

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本酒店设有大型水疗中心,100多间多功能商务家庭雅房、100多间沐足理疗房。The hotel is equipped with large SPA center, over 100 multi-function business family rooms, over 100 reflexology therapy rooms.

我们选择了足底按摩,因为我的全身都被蚊子咬满了包,我可不想现在在身上涂满按摩油,只有双脚逃过劫难。We opt for the foot reflexology massage, because I am covered with mosquito bites that I don't like to have covered in etheric oils.

根据这种消费需要,目前知足堂身心理疗广场已经推出了上门足疗服务。According to this kind of consumption needs, the Tong contentment and physiotherapy square has launched a door-to-door services reflexology.

短暂的候机时间,令到旅客抵达或离港轻松愉快。豪华的商场以及反射式的脚底按摩中心,一站式的服务令游客获益匪浅。Waiting times are short, so travelers enjoy smooth arrivals and departures. Luxury shopping and a reflexology center add to the list of benefits.

就是在当地的市政厅,两名前政府雇员指控他为她们做了足底按摩来温习足底反射疗法的做法。It was in the town hall there two former colleagues allege that he gave them foot massages to brush up on his reflexology and alternative therapy.

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摸得到、看得著、感觉舒适,走一步按摩一次,简单实现了中医足疗作用。Touch it, see, and feel comfortable and take the first step in Massage, Reflexology simple realization of the role of traditional Chinese medicine.

精品足浴是尖沙咀诺士佛台的新亮点,也是我们一班热爱按摩人士梦想的实现。Foot Buzz is located in Knutsford Terrace, in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui. We are a high end foot spa specializing in foot reflexology and full body massage.

酒店设有大型水疗中心,100多间豪华KTV房、100多间多功能商务家庭雅房、100多间沐足理疗房。The hotel is equipped with large SPA center, over 100 luxurious KTV rooms, over 100 multi-function business family rooms, over 100 reflexology therapy rooms.