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你顶住我的小先生了!You kneed me in my misters!

他用膝盖猛撞攻击者的下身。He kneed his attacker in the groin.

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不,不,不!你顶住我的小先生了!No, no, no! You kneed me in my misters!

谢莉用膝盖去撞攻击者的下身。Shelly kneed her attacker in the groin.

短短数秒时间,900多名学生跪下。Over 900 students kneed down in only several seconds.

他用膝盖顶了我的肋骨好几下,我用手指乱抓他的眼睛。He kneed me several times in the ribs as I clawed at his eyes.

于是我被那个姑娘骂了一顿,脸和裆部挨了她的一套连击。I got yelled at, kneed in the crotch, and punched in the face.

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跪了10分钟,并预留一个大碗,直到的面积扩大一倍。Kneed for 10 minutes and set aside in a large bowl until double in size.

这一次,他是在腹股沟kneed和耳后打,因为他疼痛超过一倍。This time he was kneed in the groin and hit behind the ear as he doubled over in pain.

得到了带膝关节被动行走器的倍周期和混沌步态仿真结果。The simulation results of period-doubling and chaos of kneed models have been presented.

今天我在一位女士面前停下来问路,她立即拿出胡椒喷雾喷我眼睛,给我肚子一个膝撞,然后啐了我一口开始报警。Today, I stopped in front of a lady and asked her directions. She pulled out pepper spray, sprayed me in the eyes and kneed me in the stomach. She then spat on me and called the police.

今天我在房间里做健身操,我开始做一些非常大幅度的高抬腿,当我抬高一条腿的时候我的手机掉了出来,我向下看,结果膝盖打到了脸。Today, while doing aerobics in my room, I started doing really powerful Knee Highs. My cell phone fell out of my pocket while doing one knee high. As I looked down, I kneed myself in the face.