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我是极好的苗子。I am a perfect candidate.

我的考号是什么?What is my candidate number?

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一个可能是水母。One candidate is the jellies.

我们对该候选人投赞成票。We balloted for the candidate.

他投票反对那位候选人。He balloted against that candidate.

该候选人收买了投票人。The candidate tampered with voters.

一名候选人有两名副总统。A candidate has two vice-presidents.

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这位候选人给人一种廉洁奉公的印象。The candidate have a mr. clean image.

第四项是我们首先要解决的。The fourth one is our first candidate.

人支到小约300尾歌。I received roughly 300 candidate songs.

这名候选人与众不同。This candidate differed from the others.

考生可以在答题卡上写东西吗?Can the candidate write en the tasK card?

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我从未为任何一个候选人拉过票。I have never canvassed for any candidate.

选民们很同情那位年轻的候选人。Voters identify with the young candidate.

此次大选中,没有一名女性候选人被选任。Not a single female candidate was elected.

这位候选人在竞选失败后重新振作精神。The candidate braced up after his defeat.

有个求职者嘲笑面试官的领带。A candidate insulted the interviewer’s tie.

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他将投工党候选人的票。He will cast a vote for the Labor candidate.

那个应试者将参加口试。The candidate will take an oral examination.

模拟投票还可以显示候选人的能力。The poll also shows what a candidate can do.