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阿米拉·弗里茨是一位德国摄影师。Amira Fritz is a German photographer.

结果我们可以从中学到很多冷冻弗里茨。Turns out we can learn a lot from Frozen Fritz.

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这个自动贩卖机一直都有问题。The vending machine has been being on the fritz.

也就是几秒的功夫,费瑞兹说。It all happened within a few seconds, Fritz said.

诺贝尔评奖委员会,为什么不给韩德胜发个奖呢?Nobel Committee, why not give one to Fritz Henderson?

当深弗里茨打败克拉姆尼克时,它是具有创造力的So when Deep Fritz beat Kramnik, it was being creative.

费瑞兹是一个信口开河的人,不能把机密告诉他。Fritz is loud mouth who can not be trusted with secrets.

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这个吸尘器发生故障,让我们拿去修一修。This vacuum cleaner is on the Fritz. Let's get it fixed.

要不然也可能会误伤好人和平民。Or you might fritz the good guys and civilians by mistake.

这个是由2个人提出的,马克思,伯恩以及,弗里茨,哈贝。And this was put up by two people, Max Born and Fritz Haber.

弗里兹·克莱斯勒曾经在世界各地音乐厅演出过。Fritz Kreisler appeared in concert at halls all over the world.

在柯蒂斯学院,他师从弗里茨·赖纳学习指挥。At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.

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对于未来的通用汽车公司而言,弗里茨韩德胜是一个很好的首席执行官人选。Fritz Henderson is an excellent choice to be the next CEO of GM.

我的牛乳变酸了,由于冰箱又坏了。My milk turned sour because the refrigerator is on the fritz again.

抱歉,我异国及时给你回德律风,因为我的手机死机了。I am sorry Ihaven't replied to you sooner, because my phone is on the fritz.

在1909年德国化学家弗里兹·哈勃指出了如何合成氨水。In 1909, a German chemist named Fritz Haber figured out how to synthesize ammonia.

三个人的头领名叫佛利兹?戈洛威兹,他的父母分别是商人和医生。The parents of their alleged leader, Fritz Gelowicz, are a businessman and a doctor.

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师长,36岁的党卫队旅队长弗里茨威特警惕地进行指挥。The divisional commander, 36-year-old SS-Brigadeführer Fritz Witt, put his command on alert.

不仅如此,作曲家费罗兹·豪斯为这些放松室特意作了曲谱。For added impact, composer Fritz Hauser has created some special music for the relaxation room.

瑞士的天体物理学家弗瑞兹·兹维基在1933年第一次提出暗物质的存在。In 1933, a Swiss astrophysicist by the name of Fritz Zwicky first proposed dark matter's existence.