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她用惧怕和骇怪的目光凝望着。She gazed in fear and amazement.

她惊奇得瞪著眼发愣。She was pop-eyed with amazement.

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她惊奇得瞪着眼发愣。She was pop-eyed with amazement.

她惊奇得瞪著眼发愣。She was pop-eyed with amazement.

我一直在寂静中惊奇地倾听。I ever listen in silent amazement.

他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。He looked at me in blank amazement.

她停下,大笑了起来,看起来很讶异。She stops, laughs, expresses amazement.

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他宣布的消息引起了一片惊叹声。His announcement produced gasps of amazement.

变戏法者使市民们叹为观止。The juggler was the amazement of the whole city.

主教显出一副惊奇的神气瞧着她。The Bishop gazed at her with an air of amazement.

这两个摩门年轻人开始很吃惊地瞪着他。The two young Mormons stared at him in amazement.

周围的人都对他投射出惊异的眼光。All those around him looked at him with amazement.

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男孩站在那儿,拖着狮子的前爪愣住了。The Boy stood holding the lion's paw in amazement.

人们张口瞠目地注视著光影闪烁表演。People stared in slack-jawed amazement at the light show.

孩子们惊讶的睁视著那个奇怪的老人。The children goggled in amazement at the peculiar old man.

我写这本书是想努力向读者解释我的困惑。I wrote it by trying to explain my amazement to the reader.

令那位医生感到惊讶地是,不知何故,他真的活下来了。Somehow, to the amazement of the physician, he did survive.

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他们对这个结果是惊喜交集。They were filled with elation and amazement for the results.

我坐在那边惊奇地看他把电脑装来拆去。I sat and watched in amazement as he built and tore down PCs.

以惊奇的眼光欣赏欧洲古老的哥德式建筑。Stare in amazement at the Gothic buildings from Europe's past.