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自然的国度里,从不会有过时的计划。Nature does not dwell in the realm of planned obsolescence.

速度的限制和技术的陈旧,这是专利唯一保护的。Speed and technological obsolescence are the only protections that matter.

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所谓「认知过时」,是要说服我们把完好无缺仍可使用的东西丢弃不用。Now perceived obsolescence convinces us to throw away stuff that is still perfectly useful.

随着这样的代价越来越显得彻底,IT界需要找到一个方法来减少技术过时带来的代价。As costs continue to be scrutinized, IT needs to find a way to reduce the costs of obsolescence.

过时是否是个该解决的问题,或是技术世界中必需的罪恶呢?Is obsolescence a problem that needs to be fixed, or a necessary evil of the technological world?

或许我们会期待微软随着它们常规的发布周期那样,继续他们有计划的淘汰。Expect Microsoft to continue the trend of planned obsolescence as it adheres to a regular release cycle.

这里我们仅关心我们要有多少无形损耗的问题。For the time being we are concerned only with the question of how much we have to pay for obsolescence cost.

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Georgiou的系列揭示了书本与新技术的出现可能即将报废。Georgiou's series brings to light the possible impending obsolescence of books with the advent of new technologies.

这些穿孔卡本身被运用到计算机,而且非常普及,直到二十世纪七十年代它们老旧而不再有用才逐渐消失。Punched cards themselves were carried over to computers, and were ubiquitous until their obsolescence in the 1970s.

但电脑和一额外的飞行控制装置,称为鸭已救出三角翼从陈旧。But the computer and an additional flight control device called the canard have rescued the delta wing from obsolescence.

当然,分离物比如隔离器也将同样遇到退化的可能。Of course, it is equally possible that separative enclosures such as isolators will suffer the fate of obsolescence as well.

而如今,通过细心地组织你就可以极大地减少多余存货的数量,而当一种产品达到生命周期时产生的废旧存货也就大大减少了。Managed carefully, you can now greatly reduce the amount of excess and obsolescence of a product when it comes to end-of-life.

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美国长期推崇的全球化已经把冷战军事同盟思维推向荒废。Globalization, long championed by the United States, has pushed the Cold War mentality of military alliances into obsolescence.

文献的老化规律揭示了文献工作的规律和科学发展的特征。The obsolescence principle of the literatures library reveals the characteristics of the library materials and its development.

过期的硬体与软体可能会影响所储存的电子档案的可读性。参见第4.3.9节以取得进一步的资讯。Hardware and software obsolescence may affect the readability of stored electronic records. See for further information.

因为飞机的失事只能由刚打捞的黑匣子解释--这种古老的设备早晚会过时。Because the only way to explain was by recovering the black box — an archaic device on its way to obsolescence but not there yet.

从服装的款式、价格、式样新旧到裤子前部的做法、纽扣数及翻领的宽度,要考虑很多问题。From suit silhouettes, pricing and fashionable obsolescence to pant fronts, button counts and lapel widths, there's much to consider.

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当今世界的运转基于货币金融体系——一个破碎腐化的体系,它通过不断废弃获得利润。The monetary-based system on which the world operates is a broken and corrupt scheme that promotes obsolescence for the sake of profit.

我们从买它们的那天起就得接受它们总有一天会被淘汰掉,所以当它某一天停止生产时,你会对你的损失毫无感觉。The trick is to accept your gadget’s obsolescence at the time you buy it, so you feel no sense of loss when it’s discontinued next fall.

国际市场需求的增加,以及全球平台的需要,将会加速底特律现有汽车生产线的淘汰速度。The demands of growing international markets and the requirements of global platforms will speed the obsolescence of Detroit's car lines.