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按指定时间间隔重复发生。Recur at a specified time interval.

可指定安全岛护柱的数目。Number of bollards can be specified.

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在指定路径中创建或覆盖文件。Creates a file in the specified path.

在指定路径中创建或覆盖文件。Creates or overwrites the specified file.

他详载失败的原因。He specified the reasons for the failure.

未指定有效的“暗送”电子邮件地址。No valid 'Bcc' email address is specified.

现在就已经指定了第一个组件。We now have our first component specified.

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自定义自动记录或用户指定。Customize to auto record or user specified.

fopen函数打开一个指定的文件。Thee fopen function opens a specified file.

煮熟的做得好除非另外说明。Cooked well done unless otherwise specified.

可以指定一个或多个输出格式。One or more output formats can be specified.

调用她以载入指定的加速键表。Call to load the specified accelerator table.

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获取或设置指定索引处的项。Gets or sets the item at the specified index.

可指定是圆形管或矩形管。Circular or rectangular duct can be specified.

如何将数据按照指定的字段名进行排列。How to sort the data on a specified fieldname.

本文中,我只对左浮动行为进行详细描述。I have only specified the left float behavior.

那位建筑师指定用栎木做木饰条。The architect specified oak for the wood trim.

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右击可指定氙灯为泵激源。Xenon lamp as pumping source can be specified.

计算指定纪元年份的闰月。Calculates the leap month for a specified year.

计算指定参数的反正弦。Computes the arcsine of the specified argument.