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罗马式教堂建筑采用典型的罗马式拱券结构。Rome church-building using a typical Romanesque arch structure.

朱莉偏爱哥特式建筑风格,而我则更喜欢罗马式的。Julie prefers the gothic architectural style while I like romanesque.

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它演变从罗马建筑,并成功地由文艺复兴时期的建筑。It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture.

12世纪早期,罗马建筑变化成了哥特式建筑。At the beginning of the 12th century, Romanesque was transformed into Gothic architecture.

我们住的别墅就盖在一栋十二世纪的罗马式石造教堂周边。The villa we stayed in was built around a stone Romanesque church that was built in the 12th century.

塔是罗马式和哥德式时期建造的教堂和大教堂的重要特征。Towers were an important feature of churches and cathedrals built in the Romanesque and Gothic periods.

山谷中的每一个乡村都有一个罗马式教堂,在乡村周围则是按照一定形式构成的封闭区域。Each village in the valley contains a Romanesque church, and is surrounded by a pattern of enclosed fields.

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你左边的哥德式建筑是体育场,旁边的都铎式建筑是新建的学校医院。The Gothic building on your left is the gymnasium, and the Tudor Romanesque beside it is the new infirmary.

罗马式建筑显然受到了罗马帝国和拜占庭传统的影响。The influence of both Roman and Byzantine traditions is evident in the architecture of the Romanesque period.

罗马神庙,罗马式哥特式大教堂,圣弗朗西斯教堂做几千人在骨头。Roman Temple, the Romanesque Gothic Cathedral, the Chapel made of bones from thousands of people in saint Francis.

加斯帕‧博查特的工作坊正对着克雷莫纳总教堂,这座美丽的罗马风格建筑物启迪着加斯帕创作的灵感。Gaspar Borchardt, whose workshop is opposite Cremona’s cathedral, is inspired by the beautiful Romanesque building.

完全不同于早期罗马建筑的是其雕塑和彩色玻璃受自然主义气息的严重影响。Unlike that of earlier Romanesque architectures, sculptures and stained glass show the great fluence of naturalism.

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直到扶壁的应用之前,罗马式结构都保持非常的巨大,扶壁使得墙壁变轻盈了。Romanesque structures remained massive until the introduction of buttresses, which allowed the walls to be lightened.

以前不知道房子有什么式,现在知道了罗马式、文艺复兴式、歌德式和古典式。Do not know the house has what type before, knew type of Romanesque , renaissance, song heart type and classic type now.

建筑师阿尔弗雷德沃特豪斯于十九世纪六十年代采用德国罗曼式风格设计,整个建筑从1881年开始对外开放。Designed in the 1860s in the German Romanesque style by architect Alfred Waterhouse, the building first opened its doors in 1881.

酒店以恢宏典雅的罗马式建筑为主体,吸取巴黎梵尔赛宫的内涵,融汇于精雕细刻的设施中。It is most special in its romanesque architecture with its refined internal facilities assimilating versailles palace connotation.

古罗马式教堂内部装饰华丽辉煌,与外部的质朴单调成明显对比。The ancient Romanesque church interior decoration magnificent is magnificent, with exterior plain single furnishing obvious contrast.

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韩国宫殿都是圆形椽子,斗拱也很少,石栏的装饰都是朝鲜鼓形。South Korean palace are round the rafters, Romanesque capitals which should also very few boulder fence decorations are north Korea form of a drum.

戏剧性的是我们竟没有能看到遗址,包括曾经辉煌一时的波哥皇宫大酒店和罗马天主教堂。But a comedy of errors ensured that we wouldn’t get to see the ruins, which comprise the once-grand Bokor Palace hotel and a Romanesque Catholic church.

罗马式风格的特点是圆形拱门和圆顶天花,它们是东方的球形结构和西方的拱形结构的结合。Romanesque style is characterized by rounded arches and domed ceilings that developed from the spherical shape of the east into vaulted structures in the west.