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他从桥下游过,游向灌木丛中的家里。He swam under the bridge to his brushy home.

因为那些毛茸茸的玩偶实在是太可爱了。Because those brushy doll are too lovely really.

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松软,毛茸茸的软垫引人极想在上面坐坐。Loose, brushy soft mat is fetching long above sit.

我非常喜欢兔子,尤其是它那毛茸茸的白毛。I love it very much, especially its white and brushy fur.

茬口毛茸茸的,一看就知道是钝口的镰刀收割的。Stubble side was brushy , that resulted from blunt sickle's reaping.

晾干之后用手轻轻地揉搓一下,粉扑就能恢复毛茸茸的触感。Knead of handle gently small land is used after 3. air, puff can restore brushy tactility.

那双大又毛茸茸的雪鞋脚让它疾跑如飞,越过一个又一个雪堆。That pair big brushy snowshoe foot lets its disease if fly, run, cross another snow drift.

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白影闪动,那貂儿扑到了龚光杰脸上,毛松松的尾巴向他眼上扫去。Hearing his mistress' whistling, the sable jumped to Gong's face and swept over Gong's eyes with his brushy tail.

该帕因特德邦廷被发现在灌木丛,林地边,路旁布拉希地区,郊区,和花园。The Painted Bunting is found in thickets, woodland edges and brushy areas, along roadsides, in suburban areas, and gardens.

草坪周边,灌木丛,地被植物,尤其是树林,构成了蜱虫高危地带。The lawn perimeter, brushy areas and groundcover vegetation, and most importantly, the woods, form the high-risk tick zone.

想象一下,早上不再被恼人的闹铃吵醒,而是那些小可爱们用毛茸茸的爪子把你叫醒。Imagine that in the morning, when those cute little things wake you up with their brushy pawns instead of the noising alarm clock.

起居室可以变得非常漂亮,舒适乃是要害所在,松软、毛茸茸的靠垫引人极想在上面坐坐。Living room can become very beautiful, comfortable it is crucial place, loose, brushy cushion for leaning on is fetching long above sit.

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请注意与公共和私人娱乐区和运动场接壤的林地、灌木丛。Take notice of the proximity of woodland edge or mixed grassy and brushy areas from public and private recreational areas and playing fields.

男人的性感之所以没有谈论的价值,就是因为男人可以赤着膊子,穿着短裤,光着毛茸茸的双腿在马路上跑步。The man's sex appeal does not have talking value, because the man is OK, be bare is worn arm child, wearing shorts, smooth brushy double leg is on the driveway ran.

在会客区铺一张图案别致、做工精良的纯毛地毯,那毛茸茸的感觉即刻会给人一种暖意。In receive a visitor the area extends a piece of pattern the pure wool carpet with chic, excellent charge for the making of sth. , that brushy feeling can give a person a kind of warm idea instantly.