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轴距结构。Wheelbase structure.

亦或宝马认为加长一款中级车是对市场的妥协?Or whether do you think the Long Wheelbase Versions are a compromise to the market?

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劳斯莱斯公司官方发布加长版的幻影售价820万。An extended wheelbase version of the Phantom costs 8.2 million yuan, the company said.

细节完美表现,后扫式双S型排气装置是其亮点。Authentic in every detail, from stretched wheelbase to sweeping double S-bend exhaust.

普利茅斯今年精简了它的低端产品线,致力于长轴距车型。Plymouth this year eliminated its lower-priced line to concentrate on the longer wheelbase.

加长车型越来越受到中国消费者的青睐,就连一些强调运动性的豪华型中级车也不例外。The Long Wheelbase Version of cars get more popular in China, and that also includes the SUV.

底盘沿用奥迪RS5,缩短了轴距,削低了车高。The chassis beneath the car comes from an Audi RS 5, with its wheelbase shortened and roof lowered.

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而且操作性很棒,因为它的短轮距和小车轮利于突然变速。It's also extremely maneuverable because of its short wheelbase and small wheels that turn on a dime.

广泛的35英寸的轴距和股票地板的其他功能,包括安全和骑士的舒适度。A wide 35-inch wheelbase and stock floorboards are other features included for safety and rider comfort.

短比即将卸任的整体模型,轴距已捉襟见肘的95毫米和跟踪扩大了50毫米的。Shorter overall than the outgoing model, the wheelbase has been stretched by 95mm and the track widened by 50mm.

常规的幻影车型及幻影加长车型都会推出龙年限量版。The dragon edition will be available in both the regular Phantom model and the extended wheelbase Phantom model.

花花公子版的可能是最极端的例子,这与它的长轴距和更多的内部空间。The Clubman version is probably the most extreme example of this with its longer wheelbase and more interior space.

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在平衡悬架的结构设计上,减小两车桥的轴距和质量差异可提高车辆的平顺性。Vehicle smoothness can be enhanced when wheelbase and mass difference of the axles are reduced in suspension design.

包括加长车辆轴距来扩展腿部空间,后排娱乐系统和可伸缩托盘桌。The amenities include a longer wheelbase for extra legroom, back-seat entertainment systems, and extendable tray tables.

这两款车型将继续共享平台,但即将推出的WRX的,将有一个更好的处理缩短的轴距。The two models will continue to share a platform but the upcoming WRX will have a shortened wheelbase for better handling.

较长的轴距创造更多的内部空间,让乘客额外的4英寸的后座膝部和腿部空间。The longer wheelbase creates more interior room and gives passengers an additional 4 inches of rear-seat knee and leg room.

整车车长3.3米,宽1.465米,高1.41米,轴距2.175米。The whole body measures 3.3 meters long, 1.465 meters wide, and 1.41 meters high. The wheelbase of the vehicle is 2.175 meters.

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它的轴距超过10英尺,采用了宝塔型车顶,后备箱盖上还背着一只备胎,让人过目难忘。With a wheelbase more than 10 feet long, a pagoda-style roof, and a spare-tire bump on the rear deck, it was instantly recognizable.

这是为什么我们都集中在体重问题如此严重,更不用说一个较短的轴距,允许更快,开启。That's why we have focused so heavily on weight issues, not to mention a shorter wheelbase that permits faster, more precise turn-in.

这款新车拥有长轴距底盘和空气制动系统,有意将越野与运动款车型相结合。The new vehicle has a long wheelbase chassis and air suspension system and seeks to bridge the gap between off-roader and sports saloon.