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嘉宝到底有何神秘之处?What was the secret of Greta Garbo?

他的格里塔·格鲁伯的故事他妈的说的是什么?。What the fuck was his fucking Greta Garbo story about?

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嘉宝的脸是一种理念,赫本的脸则是一种事件。The face of Garbo is an Idea, that of Hepburn, an Event.

嘉宝的银幕神话转变成了嘉宝的都市童话。Greta Garbo’s screen legend had become Greta Garbo urban legend.

嘉宝展现了一种全新的魅力,那就是集性感、时尚与神秘于一身。Garbo created a new kind of glamour. A combination of sexuality, fashion and mystery.

嘉宝的脸蛋被视为一种转换,它令人忆念起两个肖像的时代,它确认了从敬畏到魅力的过程。Viewed as a transition the face of Garbo reconciles two iconographic ages, it assures the passage from awe to charm.

1934年的最早一部由葛丽泰嘉宝主演,也只有嘉宝有看头,但这部电影随便更改原著,有些地方改得很奇怪。The 1934 original, with Greta Garbo, is worth looking at for Garbo alone, but it takes some very strange liberties with the book.

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十九岁的嘉宝告别斯德哥尔摩的家,拿着396号签证,于1925年7月5日抵达纽约市。The 19-year-old Garbo said goodbye to her family in Stockholm, she was given visa number 396 and arrived in New York City on July 5, 1925.

在二十世纪七十年代的纽约,一个拍摄嘉宝穿过曼哈顿街道,驻足浏览便宜店和古董店的录像,其价值等同于发现不明飞行物的镜头。In 1970’s New York, a Garbo sighting as she marched through the streets of Manhattan stopping only to browse through junk shops and antique stores was recorded the same status as a UFO.

观看张曼玉在摄影机前面表演就像看到有人将摄影机当成无线电收发机,确信它能将形成之中正掠过她脸庞的情绪接收过去。To watch Ms. Cheung's performance is to see someone who, as Garbo did, uses the camera as though it were radio transmitter, trusting it to pick up the inchoate moods that move across her face.