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我的左耳的耳鼓感染了。My left eardrum has become infected.

耳鼓已经感染了。My right eardrum have become infect.

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爆炸震破了他的耳膜。The explosion perforated his eardrum.

在事故中他的耳膜破了。His eardrum was broken in the accident.

骨膜也会因感染而发红。An infection also can make the eardrum red.

这些带刺的话语,响亮地激荡着耳鼓。Barbed these words, it was loudly stirring the eardrum.

接下来,通过检耳镜检查一下耳道和耳膜。Next, examine the ear canal and eardrum using an otoscope.

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中耳就是骨膜后面的一个小气袋。The middle ear is a small pocket of air behind the eardrum.

若是耳膜有破裂,千万别尝试耳道灌洗。Never try irrigation if the eardrop eardrum is borkenbroken.

你的鼓膜开始震动,以440次每秒的频率,你们听到音调。Your eardrum oscillates 440 times per second-- you hear this tone.

他在被毒打之后导致耳膜穿孔,目前已经半聋。He suffered a perforated eardrum after being beaten and is now partially deaf.

你不应该试图这样做在家里,因为它能够造成损害,从而影响鼓膜。You should not attempt to do this at home, as it can cause damage to the eardrum.

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这种通过骨传导的声音完全绕过耳鼓,直接传入耳蜗。Such bone-conducted audio reaches the cochlea directly, completely bypassing the eardrum.

你们听到声音,你的鼓膜以相同频率,开始震动,然后听到我的音调。They reach you, your eardrum starts to oscillate with the same frequency and you hear that tone.

你需要我的时候,我会就坐在这里,给你的耳膜里做笔记。If you need help when Beatty pries at you, I'll be sitting right here in your eardrum making notes!

受感染的骨膜会因为鼓室内脓液使其膨胀而不能正常的移动。An infected eardrum won't move as it should because the pus presses against it and may make it bulge.

在中耳炎,炎症发生的那一部分的耳朵,这是后面的耳膜。In otitis media, inflammation occurs on that portion of the ear, which is directly behind the eardrum.

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当你的耳道有插管子或鼓膜破损,我们并不鼓励您使用耳烛。It is not recommended that one use ear candles if they have tubes in their ears, or a perforated eardrum.

通过耳镜,医生可以看见骨膜,骨膜是中耳和外耳的分隔。With the otoscope, the doctor can see your eardrum , the thin membrane between your outer and middle ear.

注意一下耳膜的颜色和外形通过核心的灯光。通常情况下,鼓膜是珍珠灰色的。Note the color and contour of the eardrum with its distinct cone of light. Normally, the drum is pearly gray.