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他真是个煞风景的屎蛋。What a killjoy shitbag he is.

那个扫兴的傢伙把啤酒拿走了。That killjoy ruined the fun by taking our beer away.

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那个扫兴的家伙把啤酒拿走了。That killjoy ruined the fun by taking our beer away.

这是那种典型的令人不快的官僚主义态度。This is a classic example of the killjoy attitudes of officialdom.

在他漫不经心的外表之下,是一个絮絮叨叨喜欢算计的人。Under the casual exterior is a calculating killjoy with mom issues.

我不理解莎莉这个人,有时我觉得她以扫兴的兴致为乐趣。I don't understand Sally. Sometimes I think she enjoys being a killjoy.

当然,我不想做一个扫兴的人,而且我喜欢植物,所以我还是硬着头皮点了“接受”。But I didn't want to be a killjoy —and I love plants —so I went ahead and clicked "Accept."

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以前,我写些有关烧烤的健康隐患的文章时,读者们都说我那是在令人扫兴。In the past, when I've written about the health risks of grilling, readers have told me I'm a killjoy.

地产商在工地上树起这三人的巨型广告,直到官员扫兴地下令把它拆除。Developers plastered giant images of the three across billboards around the site, until killjoy officials ordered their removal.

此“快乐杀手”反对任何“轻浮”,在工作中没有乐趣,也认为别人不应该有乐趣。Disapproving of any attempt at levity , the constant killjoy doesn't have fun at work and doesn't think anyone else should either.

你可以说你的男朋友把喝酒的习惯强加于你,但是很显然你也是因为害怕自己对他喝酒的担心会让他很扫兴。You say your boyfriend ‘presses’ drinks on you, and clearly you’ve been allowing your fear of looking like a killjoy to over-ride your worries about his drinking.