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但作为一名土生土长的利物浦人。But as a local born and bred Liverpudlian person.

他是一个典型的利物浦人,就像斯蒂夫和卡拉一样。He was a typical Liverpudlian like Stevie and Carra.

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琼斯来到利物浦,他的母亲一定为他感到骄傲。Jones walking out at Anfield will also be a proud moment for his Liverpudlian mum.

可以找一家供应利物浦传统餐点Scouse的饭店,尝尝这道炖肉菜。Find a restaurant serving Scouse, a traditional Liverpudlian meat stew with vegetables.

在这项史无前例的举措中,法令要求这位利物浦市民停止破坏法律。In an unprecedented step, the order instructs the Liverpudlian to stop breaking the law.

在利物浦一座预制房中长大,他总是惊叹于商业改善人们生活的力量。Having grown up in a Liverpudlian prefab, he is constantly amazed at business's power to improve people's lives.

利物浦籍教练已经迫不及待在星期三主场面对他的家乡球队利物浦。The Liverpudlian coaching duo can't wait to face a team from their home city and the match with Liverpool on Wednesday.

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这位以独立审判著称的利物浦人,也会有兴趣知道在质询之后发生了什么。Leveson, a Liverpudlian with a reputation for independence, is also sure to take an interest in what happened subsequently.

英国利物浦大学和兰开夏大学的心理学家首次进行了这项对女性身高的研究。Liverpudlian university and the psychologist of Lan Kaixia university undertook England first this research to female height.

出生于利物浦的前锋韦恩·鲁尼,2004年在挑战费内巴切的比赛中他为曼联首次登场就上演了帽子戏法。Few can forget the Liverpudlian striker Wayne Rooney‘s hat trick against Fenerbahce during his Manchester United debut in 2004.

这部马丁斯科塞斯制作的电视剧集拥有的豪华演员阵容,其中包括来自利物浦的史蒂芬格雷厄姆和来自苏格兰的女演员凯莉麦克唐纳,同样受到了赞誉。The Martin Scorsese production was also honoured for its ensemble cast, which includes Liverpudlian Stephen Graham and Scottish actress Kelly Macdonald.

最后一个利物浦式的问题,如果在接下来几个赛季里仍得不到一线队的出场机会,斯特灵还愿意等待多久。The last question on Liverpudlian lips, then, was how long Sterling would be willing to wait if he didn't get a chance to break into the first team in the next few seasons.

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当这个夏天贝尼特斯破俱乐部后卫转会记录签下格雷-约翰逊时,史蒂芬-达比应该谅解利物浦人失望原因。STEPHEN Darby would have been forgiven for being perhaps the only Liverpudlian who became downhearted when Rafa Benitez shelled out a club record £16m on a right-back this summer.

然而我们没有拿到任何的奖杯,但是如今的利物浦让我回到了曾经称霸欧洲的利物浦,最重要还是当你失望没有拿到银杯,成功我们将用一生追求着。I've lived with that expectation level on a daily basis at Anfield. When I arrived, I was under no illusions about the ambitions of the club because I've always been a Liverpudlian.

1939年6月1日这艘潜艇前往利物浦湾开始其处女航以便进行最后的潜航试验随船一起参加试验的共有103人。On june 1 1939 its begin toward liverpudlian bay before this submarine maiden boat so that undertake final submerge experiments what attend a trial together along with the boat is mutual 103 people.