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炎热的天气使食物腐烂变质。The hot weather will taint food.

坏书会毒害年青人的思想。Bad books will taint the young mind.

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肉在闷热天气易腐烂。Meat will readily taint in close weather.

我们能确保他们一点不忠诚的污点都没有吗?Can we be sure they are free from any taint of disloyalty?

他的无情也许会摧残我的生命,可是永不能毁坏我的爱情。And his unkindness may defeat my life, But never taint my love.

你的歌曲不仅不会为你赢得掌声,相反它可能还会损害你的名誉。Your swan song will win you no applause and will likely taint your reputation.

出现龙虎山旅游区文化主题模糊,道教文化旅游氛围淡化的现象。The actuality leads to the cultural theme taint and the tourism atmosphere desalted.

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人我是非的烦恼不要放在心上,会污染本性。Do not take the stresses generated by gossip to heart, for it will taint your nature.

这段小插曲并没有玷污乔布斯在商业和科技行业的身份。The episode did little to taint Mr. Jobs’s standing in the business and technology world.

不小心把辣椒油溅到了白色外衣上,留下了一个很小的黄色小斑点。A drop of pepper oil splattered on my white shirt, and left a small yellowish taint on it.

当执行污染流分析时,检测器会在这个系统中为数据流建立模型。When performing taint flow analysis, the scanner models the flow of data within the system.

你的最后一首歌不会为你赢来掌声,甚至反而很可能会毁掉你的名声。Your swan song will win you no applause and will likely taint your reputation. Take the high road.

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梅梨莱虽然可以清洗他被非瑞克西亚烁油所玷污的魔像躯体,但她却不能净化他的心脏。Melira cleansed the golem's body of the Phyrexian taint but she couldn't cleanse the golem's heart.

她是龙之血脉,但是巴利斯坦爵士警告过她在那血中有着污点。She was the blood of the dragon, but Ser Barristan had warned her that in that blood there was a taint.

朋友反目成仇,英雄堕落犯罪,无人可以完全信赖。Friends are exposed as foes, heroes take on the taint of criminals, and no one can be trusted completely.

城楼土空荡荡地无一人,人心散乱后皆是四处逃逸。City fortress taint emptily and nor person, the public after scattering in disorder all escapes everywhere.

记忆、情感、条件反射和其他各种心理碎片会改变我们每一个全新的体验。Memories, emotions, conditioning and all sorts of other mental flotsam taint every new experience you gain.

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瓶塞可以反应,模具和物质在葡萄酒生产“软木塞污染”使葡萄酒饮用。Corks can react with mold and substances in the wine to produce "cork taint" which makes the wine undrinkable.

柯里亚几乎从来没有为所谓的国际名流提供设计服务,即使他在国外工作时也不例外。There has never been any taint of global celebrity about Correa’s work, even when he has worked outside India.

星期六七点返香港我唔舒服同有烟闻,唔可以经历损坏。Returning to Hong Kong at 7am on a Saturday morning feeling sick and stinking of smoke doesn't taint the experience.