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加里,你怎么样?How about you, Gary?

是的,那是葛瑞山本先生。Yes, it was Gary Yamamoto.

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他真应该给贾瑞发电子邮件。He really should e-mail Gary.

王微来参加了一个合作伙伴会议。Gary came to a partner meeting.

我们会让内维尔打替补。We might put Gary on the bench.

是的,加里库柏也是这样。Yeah, Gary Cooper was the same.

盖里•赫富博尔和罗伯特•劳伦斯Gary Hufbauer and Robert Lawrence

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加里参加三项全能运动训练。Gary is training for a triathlon.

就是别把贾瑞当成借口。Just don’t use Gary as an excuse.

加里接受了这份工作,离开了。Gary took the job, and moved away.

加里真是个胆小鬼。Gary sure is a chicken-livered guy.

菲比,盖瑞有真的中枪过吗?。Has Gary ever been shot at for real?

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加里·康迪特如何被评为大话王?。How does Gary Condit rate as a liar?

利齐、加里和鲍勃都已结婚。Lizzy, Gary and Bob are all married.

他一口咬定了盖瑞是凶手。He insists that Gary is the murderer.

加里上嘴唇有一撮小胡子。Gary has a moustache on his upper lip.

加里讲述了那座桥的长度。Gary spoke at length about the bridge.

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我和葛瑞彼此见面的机遇愈来愈少。Gary and I saw each other less and less.

加里同股票经纪业务有些关系。Gary has something to do with stockbroking.

我要指控加里犯伪造罪和偷窃罪。I shall charge Gary with forgery and theft.