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这种面包味同嚼蜡。The bread tastes like cardboard.

是瓦楞形硬纸箱.Yes, corrugated cardboard boxes.

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它们用纸板箱包装。Theyre packed in cardboard boxes.

我用硬纸板和大头钉把它固定好了。I fixed it with cardboard and tacks.

我们必须循环使用纸盒子。We must recycle the cardboard boxes.

纸板不折一下卷不起来。Cardboard won't roll without creasing.

她用一把刀割开了纸板。She used a knife to cut the cardboard.

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她用一把刀割开了纸板。She used a knife to cut the cardboard.

这些灯泡使用的是碳化纸板。These bulbs used carbonized cardboard.

皱纹纸纸板所涵盖的丑陋。Crepe paper covered the ugly cardboard.

纸较纸板易于折叠。Paper folds more easily than cardboard.

她把书装进纸箱里。She packed her books in cardboard boxes.

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然后将图画粘在一张布告板,或者薄一点的硬纸板上。Glue it to poster board or thin cardboard.

我们通常用纸板箱包装。We usually use cardboard cases for packing.

我们是拿你的硬纸剪画开玩笑。We're making fun of your cardboard cut-out.

纸盒箱,自己做的上衣,还有面具。Cardboard box, self-made top, mask included.

由于小熊仔窝在纸盒子里,被发现时已经有些受凉。They were getting cold in the cardboard box.

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他母亲仔细查遍了那些纸板箱。His mother combed through the cardboard boxes.

这个纸板衬背就是一个助力器。The cardboard backing was just a strengthener.

他们用旧的厚纸板拼凑了一个帐篷。They rigged up a tent with old cardboard pieces.