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这些疯狂喷涌的钱是从哪来的?And where did this insane gusher of money come from?

石油会沿着钢管上涌,如同自喷井那样喷射出来。The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher.

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我们力求避免那种陈旧的,富有浪漫色彩的喷油方式。We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher.

如果将干细胞的研究者比作石油勘探者的话,那么上周研究发现就好比是探测到了一个大的喷油井。If stem cell researchers were oil prospectors, it could be said that they struck a gusher last week.

总部在伦敦的BP于7月15日首次阻断了马孔多喷油井的油流。BP, based in London, stopped the flow from the Macondo gusher July 15 for the first time since the spill began.

就在燃烧石油之前,墨西哥湾漏油发生两个月以来,就已经对海龟的生存造成了长期的威胁。Even before the fires, the two-month gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was threatening the long-term survival of sea turtles.

GUSHER泵的设计,工艺以及使用材料,为产品提供了最优化的性能以及持久的无故障的运行。GUSHER pump design, process and use material provide the product for optimum performance and lasting trouble-free operation.

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在这个特殊时期,我们面对的是一副这样的景象——海湾内的石油喷井无法控制下来,石油不停的流向海岸。And, at this particular moment, we are confronted by the picture of an uncontrolled gusher of oil spewing destruction into the gulf.

在英国石油公司利用“杀手锏”对付原油泄漏的同时,路易斯安那州的海岸线正遭受持续泄漏的原油的荼毒。As BP tries to stop the oil leak with a 'top kill' method, the Louisiana coastline is suffering from the effects of the continued gusher

事实上,如果大学打开招生大门,希望持续的招收中国学生,他们已经收获了一个井喷。Indeed, if universities turned on the recruiting spigot in China expecting a steady trickle of students, they’ve gotten a gusher instead.

从破裂的油轮里,喷涌出一股股红棕色的原油,汹涌澎湃,渐渐地在蔚蓝色海面上形成了一层巨大的油膜。From her ruptured tanks poured a reddish-brown gusher of oil that roiled and boiled and gradually spread a vast slick over the grey blue waters.

根据此书对英国石油巨头的披露,去年的墨西哥湾石油泄露是一个存在无数违规操作中的自喷井的一次井喷。Last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill was but one blowout amid a gusher of corporate misdeeds, according to this exposé of the British oil giant.

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过去十年中,来自石油的财富让俄国得以把自己的军费增长几乎四倍,但随着石油价格走低,井喷时代现在已经结束了。Wealth from fossil fuels allowed Russia to nearly quadruple military spending over the last decade, but the gusher days are over for now, given low oil prices.

即使现在BP的泄漏已经停止而原油清理也成功了,政府和渔业科学家标准石油泄漏仍有可能带来健康问题。Assuming the BP gusher is stopped and the cleanup successful, government and fishing industry scientists said the Gulf still could rebound to a healthy condition.

巴菲特在纽约时报撰文警告,旨在拯救美国经济而"涌入的联邦资金"长远将损及美元.Writing in The New York Times on Wednesday, Buffett warned that the "gusher of federal money" aimed at rescuing the U.S. economy will in the long run undermine the dollar.

自从1922年马拉开波的油井第一次发生井喷,以“千量货运火车”噪声大起后,委内瑞拉的历史和命运与石油联系到一起。EVER since 1922, when the first gusher at Maracaibo roared up with the noise of “a thousand freight trains”, the history and destiny of Venezuela has been tied fast to oil.

结合二项式方程和早期现场数据,以太7井为例进行了自喷生产参数优化,并对敏感性参数进行分析。Combined with the binomial equation and the early field data, Take the Tai 7 well for example, the parameter of gusher well is optimized. And also the sensitivity of parameters is analyzed.

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最后,将由一个减压井减轻喷口的压力以进行受控的抽吸——基本上就是深水地平线最想做的事情。In the end, however, a relief well would ease the pressure on the runaway gusher in favor of a controlled pumping — essentially what the Deepwater Horizon was trying to do in the first place.