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呼吸时肺部扩张。The lungs dilate in breathing.

气球充气将会膨胀。The balloon will dilate with air.

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激光治疗毛细血管扩张的价格。Laser treats the price of blood capillary dilate.

假如有时间我可详细论述一下这个问题。If there were time,I could dilate upon this subject.

有时,我觉得需要扩大瞳孔才能精神集中。Sometimes, I feel I need to dilate my pupils to remain attentive.

固有膜浅层毛细血管扩张充血。Dilate of blood capillary of inherent film shallow-layer congests.

小剤量能收缩血管。大剤量能扩张血管。Small doses constrict the blood vessels and large doses dilate the blood vessel.

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接吻引起瞳孔放大,和颠茄的效果一样。And a passionate kiss has the same effect as belladonna in making our pupils dilate.

酒精让你觉得暖和、让你的脸跟猴子屁股一样红是因为酒精使得血管膨胀。Alcohol makes you feel warm and turn beet red because it causes your blood vessels to dilate.

一种全新的经济正在形成、发展,爆发性地向全球扩张。A kind of brand-new economy is being formed, development, erupt sexual ground to global dilate.

众所周知,使血管扩张的物质,如酒精,可以导致血管性头痛。It is known that substances that dilate blood vessels, like alcohol, can cause vascular headaches.

例如,帮助扩张肺部主要气道的药品能够改善呼吸困难。For example, medicines that help dilate major air passages of the lungs can improve shortness of breath.

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请问贲门失弛缓症,动手术的话,也就是做贲门处做扩张。Excuse me cardia is broken atony disease, if performing an operation, do cardia place to do dilate namely.

根据日本研究者的说法,菠菜富含镁元素,能够有效扩张血管。Spinach is a potent source of magnesium, which helps dilate blood vessels, according to Japanese researchers.

为了保存肌肉所需要的血液,皮肤血管收缩,而肌肉血管舒张。To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate.

血管一般是扩张的,但冠状循环和肺循环的血管则可出现收缩。To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate.

浅层毛细血管扩张充血,偶见渗血及嗜中性细胞。Dilate of shallow-layer blood capillary congests , see ooze blood and cell of neutral of be addicted to occasionally.

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达到一定程度后,岩石表现出短暂的应变硬化,岩石开始剪胀。When it accumulated to a higher degree, the specimen began to shear and dilate after a short time of strain hardening.

当血红细胞到达任何需要的组织时,它就释放出一氧化氮来扩张毛细血管。When a red blood cell reaches any tissue in need of oxygen it releases nitric oxide in order to dilate the capillaries.

外源给NO可轻微扩张脑微动脉和提睾肌微动脉,但对其缺氧反应无影响。Exogenous NO could slightly dilate the brain and cremaster muscle arterioles, but had no effect on their hypoxic responses.