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购买者闻讯蜂拥而至。Buyers who stampede in.

受到惊吓奔跑的食蚁兽?How about a stampede of aardvarks?

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雷雨常于牛群惊逃。Thunderstorms often stampede cattle.

所以人们开始蜂拥到阿迪朗达山脉。So the stampede to the Adirondacks began.

在畜群惊跑中,十二匹马被踩死了。Twelve horses were killed in the stampede.

门一开,人们蜂拥而出。A stampede broke out when the doors opened.

不要因蜂拥到我的办公室而受伤。Don't hurt yourself in the stampede to my office.

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孩子们从各个边门蜂拥而出。The children stampede out through those side doors.

投资者的出逃将造成债市恐慌.Fleeing investors would create a bond market stampede.

还记得杰克逊前年来的时候的踩踏事件了?Still remember the stampede when MJ came the year before?

歌手出现时观众向台前涌去。There was a stampede towards the stage when the singer appeared.

他们引发了一场科多践踏事件误导恐怖图腾,趁机逃离。They cause a kodo stampede to distract the Grimtotem and escape.

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如今,虽几经努力,北京政府似乎也未能阻止这种蜂拥而上的趋势。And now, try as it might, Beijing seems unable to stop the stampede.

如果牛群惊跑,牛仔可能会从马背上掉下来,活活被踩死。A cowboy could be thrown from his horse and trampled to death in a stampede.

不要应为参与高买低卖的抢购风潮而亏损更多。Don't lose more by joining the stampede of buy-high, sell-low market timers.

在印度,瓦拉纳西城发生踩踏事件,造成2人死亡,10多人受伤。In India, 2 people were killed and over 10 injured in a stampede in Varanasi.

有目击真称,踩踏是发生在一座桥上,其时,该桥已经过分拥挤了。The stampede took place on a bridge, which eyewitnesses said had become overcrowded.

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2005年,在印度西部一个神殿发生的踩踏事件中,有250多名朝圣者丧生。In 2005, more than 250 pilgrims were killed in a stampede near a temple in Western India.

一百四十五人在北印度的印度教寺庙中发生的踩踏事件中死亡。One hundred and forty-five people were killed in a stampede at a Hindu temple in northern India.

数百人死于挤踏在巴格达稀客人的宗教庆典期间。Hundreds of people have been killed in a stampede during a Shi'ite religious ceremony in Baghdad.