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而南部和西部是塔斯曼海。And the Tasman Sea to the south and west.

阿贝尔塔斯曼的皮划艇是如此的有趣。Kayaking in Abel Tasman is such a great fun!

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你的任务是在塔斯曼海上航程。Your mission is to voyage across the Tasman sea.

这个岛是以它的发现者塔斯曼的名字来命名的。The island was named after its discoverer, Tasman.

塔斯曼尼亚是以它的发现者塔斯曼为名。Tasmania was named after its discoverer, A J Tasman.

塔斯曼尼亚岛是以它的发现者塔斯曼为名的。Tasmania was named after his discoverer, A. J. Tasman.

塔斯曼尼亚岛是以其发现者塔斯曼的名字命名的。Tasmania was named after its discoverer, A. J. Tasman.

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塔斯曼尼亚岛是以它的发现者塔斯曼为名的。Tasmania was named after his discoverer, A . J . Tasman.

1642年荷兰人亚伯塔斯曼把这些岛屿命名为新西兰。The Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand in 1642.

在第三次被发现之后,塔斯曼鲣鸟还能存活下来吗?Will the Tasman booby survive being discovered for the third time?

冰川碎成许多小的冰山滑落到塔斯曼湖。The ice broke into many smaller icebergs after falling into Tasman Lake.

这两种方法都证明,豪勋爵岛上的鲣鸟就是塔斯曼鲣鸟。Both approaches confirmed the birds on Lord Howe Island as Tasman boobies.

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第一个到达新西兰的欧洲人是荷兰的阿贝尔.塔斯曼,1642年。The frist European to visit New Zealand in 1642 was a Dutchman, Abel Tasman.

第一个到达新西兰的欧洲人是荷兰的阿贝尔。塔斯曼,1642年。The frist European to visit New Zealand in 1642 was a Dutchman, Abel Tasman.

讽刺的是,在新西兰的旧世界里,一切的解决办法就是朝塔斯曼海那边望去。Where, ironically, the solution foreverything seems to be to look across the Tasman.

这些岛屿是在1643年被荷兰航海家阿贝尔·泰斯曼发现的。The islands were discovered by the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman in 1643 and visited by Capt.

包括在2009年伍月,在塔斯曼海鱼恶劣条件下,在苏门答腊2号快艇上的摩根博士。Morgan, from the yacht Sumatra II, in May 2009, amid severe weather conditions in the Tasman Sea.

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按照前人的观点,在大地构造性质上,该区是塔斯马地槽的一部分。According to the previous viewpoint, it was considered geotectonicly a part of Tasman Geosyncline.

航行中,你们的路径将指向塔斯马尼亚岛并将第一次进入塔斯曼海。At sea, you will route toward the southern tip of Tasmania and into the Tasman Sea for the first time.

塔斯曼绘制了澳大利亚北部、西部和南部海岸的部分地区,后起名为“新荷兰”。Tasman charted parts of the north, west and south coasts of Australia which was then known as New Holland.