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哪些进来可锁定的铝案件。All of which comes in a lockable aluminum case.

可上锁以防止未经授权使用该产品。Lockable to prevent un-authorized use of the product.

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如可能,则用一个可以上锁的金属盒或者耐用的篮子或盒子。If possible use a lockable metal box or a strong basket or box.

带锁外开执手,可以防止儿童操作发生危险。With lockable handle, children can be protected from dangerous.

门绞链在左面,单手操作,有门锁。Door hinged on the left hand side, one-hand operation, lockable.

电线插孔、电力控制站和保险丝盒子是否可以上锁?Are power hubs, electrical control stations, fuse boxes lockable?

灰蓝色的磨砂钢制容器顶部上锁的帽子。Grey-blue brushed steel containers are topped with lockable caps.

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车顶行李架的所有组件都包括在包装中。Lockable with the help of a special tool, included in the package.

可控气弹簧在整个行程的任何位置都可以锁定。Lockable gas springs can be locked anywhere along the complete stroke.

非空调车厢每个隔间有4铺和2铺。Non-air-conditioned coaches with lockable 4-berth and 2-berth compartments.

偷油行为导致带锁的油箱盖子的销量迅猛上升。A side-effect of the thefts has been a rise in the sale of lockable petrol caps.

按照VDE标准,试验箱配备可锁的主电源开关。The test cabinets are standard-wise equipped with a lockable main switch according to VDE.

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任选项包括可锁门,台式电源,数据端口,和可扩展电源。Lockable doors, desktop power, data ports, and a scalable power supply are optional features.

有关重新配置可锁定内存参数的信息请参阅你的Sybase文档。See your Sybase documentation for information on reconfiguring the lockable memory parameters.

该招牌面板为枢轴式可上锁,安装于月台侧以方便维护。Lockable , hinged fascia panels shall be installed on the platform side for maintenance access.

一个设计良好的上锁泵机作为结束,并在聚丙烯注塑成型。A well-designed lockable pump dispenser acts as closure and is injection moulded in polypropylene.

可锁定EEPROM被锁定时相当于ROM,可以更安全地保存不会改变的电池数据。Lockable EEPROM becomes ROM when locked to provide additional security for unchanging battery data.

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应用带锁髓内钉治疗长管状骨骨折也取得了较满意的疗效。And application of lockable intramedullary nailing to treat long tubular bone fractures has proved very satisfactory.

奖杯案件都有可调式货架,锁定和脚轮,因此容易和实际使用情况作为战利品。Trophy cases all have adjustable shelves, are lockable and on casters, thus easy and practical to use as trophy cases.

本发明的引流管包括管状件和具有套筒和锁止装置的可锁止连接器。A catheter of the present invention comprises a tubular member and a lockable connector having a hub and a locking device.