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那件事引起一阵骚动。There was a hullabaloo about it.

这样,才能将所有的喧嚣,踩在脚底。In such case, all hullabaloo will be under feet.

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第一场打破传统习俗作品的表演在观众中引起了极大的骚动。The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience.

不过最终,那些最成功的女性不会在魅力问题上太受困扰。But ultimately, the most successful women don't get too caught up in all the attractiveness hullabaloo.

不过最终,那些最成功的女性不会在魅力问题上太受困扰。Butt ultimately, the most successful women don't get too caught up in all the attractiveness hullabaloo.

他们开着录音机放热情的拉丁音乐,互相之间哇啦哇啦地说西班牙语。They are opening a recorder to put enthusiastic Latin music, mutual between hullabaloo hullabaloo ground says spanish.

但是他缺席洛杉矶的首映式举动在现场粉丝中一起来极大的骚动和不满,所以他有得为此而致歉。But then when he didn't go to the premiere in L. A. , there was such a hullabaloo from his fans that he had to apologize.

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阳光洒在身上,有种特殊的触感。好像置身于喧嚣之外。The sunlight spreads in the body, having already grown special touch. Seem to place oneself in the outside of the hullabaloo.

尽管人们都在嚷嚷着后PC时代来临,英特尔公司首席执行官保罗•欧德宁仍然看好传统的个人电脑市场。Despite all the hullabaloo over a post-PC era, Intel chief executive officer Paul Otellini remains bullish on the traditional personal computing market.

他们的心弦在当世得不到共鸣,但依然坚持在喧嚣的尘世中演绎着曲高和寡的阳春白雪!Their heartstring cans not get total in the contemporary, but insists still that deducing a song in the material life of the hullabaloo is high with few plain and white snow!

辗转在城市的喧嚣之间,几乎不再能够聆听清鸟的声音,在城市有的都是车鸣人杂喧闹声。Tossing about the hullabaloo in the noisy city we almost can no longer listen to the songs from birds. All around here is only a miscellaneous sound of cars or quarreling voice.

有一天晚上,在拜布尔乡村,当一天的喧哗嘈杂告一段落后我和另外一位新闻记者一起坐进了他的私家车。我们坐下来七嘴八舌和他开始理论。One night out in the Bible country, after the hullabaloo of the day was over, I went into his private car along with another newspaper reporter, and we sat down to gabble with him.