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他们的专家身份本身就是不合格且荒谬的。They're absurdly unqualified to be considered experts.

将来只怕比这个更奇怪的笑话儿还有呢!。I'm afraid you'll see him carrying on even more absurdly later.

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我可笑地拿起枪,在手里掂掂,替自己壮胆。Absurdly I held it and weighed it in my hand, to give myself courage.

假期经常充足到荒谬,但真正的问题在于养老金。Holidays are often absurdly generous, but the real issue is pensions.

出于对整件事的漠不关心,我发现现实在荒谬地进行着。Having been very blasé about the whole thing, I found the reality absurdly moving.

与此相关就是创业型公司难以想象的工作时间。A related hallmark of start-ups is the absurdly long hours that people work at them.

这个场景是无法言喻的感人至深,它对家庭之爱的表达是最近所有电影中最贴心的。The scene is ineffably, absurdly touching, the sweetest expression of family love seen in recent films.

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这个夏天,荒唐弥漫着整个世界。那若有似无的寂寞。This summer, is filling the entire world absurdly. If that has the loneliness which resembles does not have.

这是一个公然的企图,在女性最容易受伤害的时候,打着‘貌似自由的荒谬指导’强迫她们。this is a blatant attempt to force an absurdly liberal agenda on women when they are at their most vulnerable.

把正义的反侵略的爱国主义变成了荒谬的盲目排外。In addition, he turned the justice anti-invasion war into absurdly indiscriminate rejection of everything foreign.

那些给CDO的评级高得如此荒谬的信誉评级机构,尽管不在阿巴卡斯诉案里同列为被告,也应当坐立不安了。The rating agencies that gave CDOs such absurdly high ratings, though not named in the ABACUS case, should also worry.

当我们最终得以可笑地顺利出发,没有一点冒险的样子时,我又感到悲哀失望。And when, at length, we made an absurdly smooth start, without any semblance of adventure, I felt woefully disappointed.

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“这是一个荒谬的夸大的判决,因此我们将决定上诉。”红黑军团的律师莱昂纳多·坎塔梅萨证实。It's an absurdly exaggerated ban so we will be making an appeal, " confirmed the Rossoneri's lawyer Leandro Cantamessa."

不过作为影片联合制片人的斯宾塞·屈塞利用手中的职权获得了这个角色,对于渔夫这个角色,由矮胖红润的斯宾塞出演实在是个荒谬的决定。But the ruddy , rotund and absurdly miscast Spencer Tracy , who had bought the rights and was co-producer , got the part.

孩子正尖声大叫,账单要付了,你的桌上一堆工作正在以荒唐的速度增加。The kids are screaming, the bills are due and there's a pile of work on your desk that's growing at an absurdly swift pace.

更有人死缠烂打非说是某某艺人的私生子,太过荒唐。Some people cling to for dear life rottenlyhit must said is someone entertainer's illegitimate child, goes toextremes absurdly.

如果你正挣扎于在信用卡使用和支付那高得离谱的利息之间保持平衡,你不必买那双新鞋了!If you're carrying a balance on your credit card and paying absurdly high interest rates, you can do without that new pair of shoes!

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三只蓝色的黄嘴喜鹊飞入空中,发出嘎嘎的惊叫,笨拙地摇动着长长的尾部羽毛。Three yellow-billed blue magpies throw themselves into the air with startled chortles, fluttering their absurdly long tail feathers.

因为免税代码本就复杂到了荒谬的地步,而大部分为繁复生活而奔忙的人们,把他们赚得的每个子儿都交给了会计员,当然总是期望得到最好的结果。The tax code is absurdly complex, and most people with complicated lives hand over their numbers to accountants and hope for the best.

但爱德华·卡伦整个背部都僵住了,他慢慢转过身来,盯着我——他的脸英俊得不可思议——用洞悉一切,充满厌恶的眼神,注视着我。But Edward Cullen's back stiffened, and he turned slowly to glare at me — his face was absurdly handsome —with piercing, hate-filled eyes.