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对不起,请问为什么我通不过闸机?Excuse me, I can not pass the turnstile.

不要试图解除您的自行车在旋转。Do not try to lift your bicycle over the turnstile.

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我听到在旋转栅门那儿有一个多年没有听到的嗓声。I heard a voice at the turnstile I had not heard for many years.

在入口处旋转栅门的地方,你把它放进那缝里,便可以推动栅门进去。You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.

你把它放在绕杆狭孔里,然后推动绕杆,你就可以进入月台了。Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.

你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推动转门进去。You slip the token into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.

您把它投入旋转门的槽里,然后推动旋转栅门就可以进入站台了。You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.

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您把它投入旋转栅门的缝槽里,然后推动旋转栅门就可以进入站台了。You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.

通过旋转门则是另一线条,代表转变回上锁节点。Passing through the turnstile is another line that marks a transition back to the locked node.

乘车券必须放在验票槽,过了旋转闸之后才可上月台乘车。You must put a token in a slot which allows you to pass through a turnstile onto the platform.

从用节水技术栽培的花园进入自然保护区开始于我们走进入口转门的那一刻。The transition from xeriscape to natural theme park began the minute we got through the entrance turnstile.

未经许可,设备上请勿添加外围设备且确保系统接地可靠,保证设备工作的安全可靠。Don't add additional equipment outside tripod turnstile without permission and make sure ground system is reliable.

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设计了一种基于十字转门连接器的波导直接式收发器,并测试应用于WR10波段。A waveguide OMT based on a turnstile junction has been designed, manufactured and tested to operate in the WR10 band.

有的人习惯站在刷卡闸门口后才在包里或钱包里到处找地铁卡,这种人真的很讨厌。I hate it when people stand in front of the turnstile and then start fishing in their purses or pockets for their Metrocards.

我原本在门口就可以拒绝,当我通过入口的旋转栅门时一个亢奋的拉美少女把它塞到了我手里。And I could have refused it at the gate, where a spirited Latina teenager shoved it into my hands as I pushed through the turnstile.

也许,这就是为什么人们不仅要在自己家的门上装上锁链和猫眼,有时还在楼下装上旋转栅门和配上带枪的门卫。Maybe this is why people have chains and peep-holes on their doors, and sometimes a locked turnstile and an armed security guard downstairs.

最近一次,他在纽约的地铁站里,通过旋转门的时候,有一个小孩跑过去,与他一起通过了旋转门。Recently he was on the subway in New York and as he was going through the turnstile a little child ran in with him and got through the barrier.

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强行乞讨钱物、小量毒品交易、乱帖标签广告、乘坐地铁逃票和街头其他违反社会常规的行为。These included aggressive begging, minor drug dealing, taggers, turnstile jumpers in the subways and all forms of anti-social behaviour on the streets.

对倾斜的和水平的四元阵按相位旋转方式激励时的辐射场进行了计算、示出一些典型辐射图。Computations are performed for radiation field of inclined and horizontal four-element array with turnstile excitation, and some typical patterns are shown.